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  • Also, would you like the money immediately, or should I just dump the whole load on you after you've finished reffing several rounds, the entire battle, etc.?
    Yes, but if you don't mind, could you post in the notes that you've talked this over with me and you'll be reffing the battle from now on, etc. etc. etc.?
    That works.

    So, arena conditions for the other stages. I guess the fires could be treated as Sunny Day except in cases where actual sunlight is needed (like Solarbeam) and raise energy costs by 1%, the Yatagarasu appearance will have each of our Pokémon being trampled each action, the Shih-Na confrontation will have the bullet pass through Lang's leg and hit a random battler, and Alba's questioning will raise all battlers' Attack because of all the adrenaline in the air on something.
    Because clearly nobody can tell the difference between the actual ambassadors and two Pokémon named after them :p

    I propose either a certain amount of damage or we all get thrown out of the area and the next stage of the battle happens early.
    That's true.

    Oh hey how about penalties for touching the Primidux Statue. Not sure it'd ever come into play, but.
    Hm. Maybe the Allebahst embassy should have stricter bans than the rest of the arena, since they have the tighter import and export laws. Or something.
    That sounds acceptable. And I guess we could just loop the events back round if we run out of stuff, like I did with Dusky Bridge.
    I guess a few for the fire, just one for the Yatagarasu and Shih-Na's bit because they were pretty short, quite a few more for the pause in the middle and then maybe half a dozen for Alba's questioning?
    Yeah, I was thinking of putting a warning at the top not to read the challenge unless you've finished AAI. But spoilertags work too.

    So, Babahl fire -> Allebahst garden with Yatagarasu -> sitting in the Theatrum Neutralis with nothing going on -> Shih-Na confrontation -> a bit more nothing -> Alba's downfall.
    Cool. Walker should be done with mine and Crazy Linoone's battle in a few days or so. \o/

    ...er, my recollection of the events in Turnabout Ablaze is kinda rusty. Did the Yatagarasu turn up between fires? If so, i guess fire 1-Yatagarasu-fire 2. Then there's a whole load of nothing too iconic, so then we zoom ahead to Lang getting shot in the leg and not giving a shit and Alba's attempt at the combination record for Longest Cross-Examination and Slipperiest Bastard.
    Heracross vs. Marshtomp would work. I guess.

    What do you mean you have not listened to 311 yet either

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