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  • Darn it when did you post this?

    Um yeah. I had trouble thinking of anything at all related to Metronome. If you have any suggestions?
    Hi. Have a Metronome Ribbon.
    Dude when we've done our Ace Attorney battle and I'm done with all the others I've got planned and I've bought Little Mac the Tyrogue we so need to have a Punch-Out!! battle with your Machop.
    I just realised I'm $16 away from outriching you.

    If I ever get to that stage I suggest we pool our assets and take on Kratos' bank account.
    Technically speaking, there is a deadline for a reffing (the DQ time applies for refs after all) but it doesn't seem like anyone really pays attention to it, haha. Also, I don't really get anxious until the reffing is actually posted, for whatever reason.
    I don't know, I get the feeling that the battlers I'm reffing for must be getting annoyed, but when my own ref takes ages to post something, I don't really mind. Am I the only one?
    Actually, it seems to me that practically /every/ ref writes like lightning at first and then kinda dies. As for me, I prefer shorter reffings - around Negrek's length, I'd say.

    Well, the image of a well-done Stunky is a rather amusing one. :P Certainly more amusing than Kusari's interpretation of Explosion, which was rather... horrifying.
    Thanks~ :D

    Naw, I'm a terrible referee. I take forever to post reffings and they're often unnecessarily long and boring. OTL;; You've got the humour thing going, at the very least (carbonized Stunky oh yes).
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