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  • I don't suppose it would have to do with the 404 I get when I try to visit PokéPlus?
    That would be extremely helpful.

    However, I know you usually have a dearth of free time, rather than a load of it. :P
    Are you... scaring me by sending out my favourite pokemon against me? D:

    LOL JK
    Snail mail. It would apparently cost about $6 to send a game from here to Brazil (I kind of made up the weight), and it would probably take about a month to get there; I've heard bad things about sending mail to South America.

    Hmmm... though it would be significantly cheaper if I only sent the card and not the box the way Kratos and I usually do it.

    Actually holy crap, Amazon has Ghost Trick for $15. I think... I'm going to have get that right now.
    Oh, okay. So you have to push for your parents to get it for you or something?

    I would offer to just send you my copy, but I mooched off Kratos, so. If you want to play TWEWY, though, I've loaned that one out a ton of times. :P
    Do most games get localized to Portuguese, or do you have to import English versions?
    Oh, by the way, when you said you might be getting Ghost Trick soon, you meant that you absolutely, definitely would, right? Because that's pretty much the only acceptable option, you realize.
    :D! Only the very highest degree of awesome, of course. All the awesome, all of it.

    And of course I didn't think to firstpost in the Homestuck Mafia thread with "Ah, the teeension of a crime scene. Yeah, nothing like it, baby!" I am in fact the worst Mafia player ever.

    Enjoy the game! I'm sure you'll love it.
    It depends, really. Things get problematic when you're fixing some random plugin you wrote for a pokémon forum on the internet instead of, say, writing an important paper for school. :P Fortunately I don't really experience the second one, although at times I do procrastinate because I know whatever I produce for something will never be as good as I envision it in my head, and I like to savor the really cool version over making the disappointing one.
    It did kind of amuse me once I realized why it was happening.

    Of course, now I'm getting the urge to fix it up. </perfectionist>
    At least the way I set this plugin up, yeah. The implementation has a couple of quirks in it, such as the one that causes virtually all my posts in the Ref HQ to be angryfaec.
    And then there's my Sneasel, to bring back the memories. Anyway, our rematch is now ready, even if we might be on the same team (Just like out other match).

    Also I apologive but I accidently double posted in the Mafia thread.
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