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  • We have a separate physics course in the second last year, but in the previous years the science course is split up into three units, consisting of the three major fields of science. I didn't have to take physics, but I was like "sure why not" and regretted it immensely and dropped it a week later. :P
    Yeah, it'll be down for a couple more days. I can send it to you if you need it, though.
    Coulomb...? Oh are you talking about my Rotom? Dragon gave that to me and I don't feel like changing its name xP

    I had to learn that stuff in grade 9, so yeah. But I probably suck at physics more than you ):
    Well if the coolness gods decide to forsake you, you're in for some serious trouble. You're playing with fire here- *shot a bajillion times*
    And how would you do that?

    Meh, I wasn't very surprised that I didn't get anything. I'm not so active in ASB anymore and I don't go around giving presents, my reffings are late, etc... Once Squorn got nominated I was sure I didn't have a chance. And best battle... well, there was the Mosh Pit Battle. How could that /not/ win?
    Well, it'd be bliss for a few moments, until the internet burned down and stopped working and then you'd be charged for the murder of our generation.

    I asked Negrek for the votes, and Karkat is awesome! and CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK tied. Zora's Woobat was a close second, then CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK and Karkat is awesome! were third, and so on. So it was fairly close, but not massive-tie-close.
    B-but no, why would you do that? Fire is pretty and all but this entire generation would die without the internet.

    Is this CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK at work? On another note, I'm surprised he didn't win the best nickname, actually.
    But how do you set something you wrote on the internet on fire?

    Also lol Opera considers internet a misspelled word. The first suggested correction? INTERNET.
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