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  • hey! I didn't make any promises! except to give you a break because you're on mobile, and I've given you a seven-hour long break.
    gdi I was already going to post puppies

    edit: also wow you really really cut down on those prizes...
    I think Darmanitan is connected to a random Ferroseed who's randomly connected to Ho-oh.
    I just delivered a Blast Seed to a Darmanitan, and it screamed "Great balls of fire!"

    also, a few days ago I just about died inside when a random Pokémon picked up a Sitrus Berry that was on the ground and I couldn't OHKO it and it used it to restore its HP o m g

    edit: awww, Kyurem is connected with Munna
    by the way, why is your avatar a piranha plant?

    I was lying here in bed, fruitlessly attempting to fall asleep, when this great question struck my mind, and I could not rest without knowing its answer... please release me from my inner turmoil
    omfg why would I ever sell my gold for such a low price (actually... depending on what fraction of an item's value you can sell it for, would I make more by exchanging it for Reviver Seeds and selling those)

    but regardless, I'm also sitting on tons of money! that I refuse to ever spend!
    they're important for monster houses and boss fights :( I don't want to pay Hawlucha a ridiculous sum of money to try to make my Chikorita fit some better niche...
    I just erased Magical Leaf to get Razor Leaf back, but everyone seems to have great defense. :| but I mean, no, I'm a Chikorita. half my moveslots are occupied by Reflect and Light Screen. it's very annoying.
    yeah and then they use Flamethrower on some random Pokémon chilling way in the back, then get put to sleep by the Pokémon right next to them, and then proceed to sleep for several turns while you keep pressing A+B and have to watch them getting beaten up. and then it happens again, and again. why do you keep attacking these things with Ember when Low Kick will do so much more damage :|
    my thralls are too bad at thinking for that to be very efficient, so I'd rather just get them out of my way and send them off to their doom... I think the encounter rate is actually just very low in Azelf's dungeon, because I basically never saw them attacking anyone. and they left SO MANY items on the ground even though usually on Let's Go Together they're wreaking havoc and needlessly throwing themselves into danger in order to collect them all...

    edit: also my leader enjoys heroically sacrificing herself to cover her partners for no reason, anyway. it's SO ANNOYING.
    heh, I just had the chillest expedition through Azelf's dungeon. I found an Ally Reviver on like the second floor, so I set my teammates to Go the Other Way and we'd all just wander around until someone found the stairs. It turned out to be kind of pointless because nobody even got close to dying for the remaining ~25 floors, not even Keldeo who was at a massive type disadvantage, especially since I had a Sun's Blessing in effect most of the time...
    I think you're actually guaranteed to find the item that a Pokémon is requesting on the floor where they're waiting. I think that was actually a thing in Explorers of Time as well... But I put off an exploration for ages because I needed to deliver and Eyedrop Seed before I remembered that it would magically spawn on that floor, and lo and behold, so it did.
    why haven't i friended you Thanks so much for my gift, yo. I hope you had a good Christmas!
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