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  • I mean, you're covering yourself with a thin metal layer and then polishing it all away...

    oh good, now you've gotten the blue looplet!
    uh, would you think that using Rock Polish right after Iron Defense would kind of negate the whole... iron defense part?
    because comparing is so much effort, what are the other three categories that you nixed?
    half the time there is literally an Apple sitting two steps away from the starving Pokémon... like seriously dude

    also: holy crap the Blue Looplet increases your HP by 50
    I did eight jobs at once in a ten floor dungeon and it was sooo satisfying. I think there was also a traveling Pokémon on the remaining floor.
    wow, Isle of Light is really hard. and the opponents use alliances against you :o
    "I only said 'Grrroooaaarrr!' in the Connection Orb, but you still came all this way?" yeah the things I do for you, Entei
    yooo so I generally have a policy of not allowing most negative-priority moves to be used reactively because they just take too long to prepare, but I'm not sure if I should just... bend that rule for this tournament battle because people seem to expect to be allowed to do that (even though it doesn't make much sense)? I mean, I would prefer to enforce it, but then should I give the battlers some warning about it when something like that has just been commanded, or what.
    did you know that Ditto can also be transformed into an item that you can't pick up?
    it uses Thief, steals either your held item or an item from your bag, and runs (i.e. warps) away. when you find it again it has those sweatdrops on its head and it just runs away from you until you corner it. it's so cute.
    oh my god, wild Mightyena using Thief is literally the most adorable thing ever
    I did like that little nod they made to the team that went to dispatch Groudon.
    it just works for anything thrown, I think. so I guess it'd work for Oran Berries, too.
    that's how the pierce status has always worked! so you can like, toss a blinker seed through a line of enemies. or a stick. I think sticks have the pierce status by default or something, or maybe it's just that rocks cannot get the pierce status at all.
    yeah, that's it. it gives items the pierce status, so if you get a third Pokémon to hold that looplet and line up your hero and partner, you can fling vitamins through them and it'll affect both of them. (there's a chance they'll miss, as always, which is kind of irritating. from my experience it seems to happen about one in ten tries.)
    yes, but I like it better without context.

    by the way, last night I used my Water Looplet to pump my hero and partner full of about a dozen each of Iron and Calcium and it made a pretty noticeable difference. :o you should try it.
    uh... so I just delivered a letter from Gengar to Banette... "Way to go, Gengar! This is full of nasty stuff!"
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