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  • OMG WAIT OOPS ignore the last action of my reffing. I totally forgot that Sandstone-Shadow ordered 4 conditionals, one sec
    So uh, I've always been pretty iffy about the using Psychic without being able to see your opponent thing. I don't want to go against what is probably precedent here, but like, how much sense does it really make? Psychic doesn't ignore Double Team clones, so the whole ~sensing your opponent~ thing is at least somewhat fallible, and it's affected by accuracy drops just like any other non-never-miss move. And if it was the other way around, with the Pokémon aboveground using Psychic on the digging Pokémon, it would certainly miss because of the mechanics of semi-invulnerable moves, right?
    so like, since we got rid of all the neat ghost stuff, doesn't that mean casually phasing through a floor is no longer an option
    that's what I was hoping for, and then I forgot :( the damage cap is absurdly low anyway, though.
    yo, does the Micle Berry give a move perfect accuracy like Aerial Ace, or does it have an effect like if the user had used Lock-On?
    honestly it was MD - i said 'ohh man i don't know how to end this' and he was like 'the battle resort, duh!!' and i was like 'OF COURSE'
    "Indyelle curls up next to you, confused and afraid." :CC what are you doing to my poor bouncing elephant
    So that means we can expect meaningful change by the next tournament round! :D
    Hmm, good to know. My family actually goes to the beach all the time in the winter, and that's in the northern US, where it is definitely freezing and windy and unpleasant, so it's not such a foreign idea to me. :P Not sure about Carnaval, since big parties aren't usually my thing either, plus also all the (other) tourists, but on the other hand it's a one-of-a-kind sort of event, and it could be a lot of fun to try it once. Something I'll definitely consider when I'm scheduling, though, whether I want to try and catch it or diligently avoid it!

    (have never had brigadeiro, but it'll have to work pretty hard to edge out dulce de leche...)
    Aww, seriously? A friend of mine visited last year, so that would be a recent development, but I'll definitely look into what the situation is.Thanks for letting me know.

    Haha, yeah, I'm certainly not going into the wilderness by myself. I don't have any illusions about being an intrepid self-sufficient explorer. And thanks for your recommendations of places to visit! ngl, Campos de Jordão sounds particularly enticing if only for all that chocolate. You mentioned crowds and the rainy season, though--what's the best time of year to visit the country? Or, failing that, are there any times I really, really should avoid?

    (Heh, let's be fair, though, "entire jar of dulce de leche" beats out a heck of a lot when it comes to desserts. Maybe I should make Brazil my last stop so I can discard my extra clothes etc. and just pack my luggage with dulce de leche to take home?)
    Arrrgh I need to be bumping that thread myself. I got so many wonderful replies, and then I was all "so many wonderful replies how do I even," and now it's like three months later and I'm just terrible.

    I'm definitely going to South America! In particular I'm definitely going to visit Machu Picchu, and I'd like to check out the Amazon as well. If you have any recommendations for places to check out in Brazil or elsewhere on the continent, I'd love to hear them! But one way or another I will definitely check out some of those delicious confections you've mentioned. I will admit that I don't really care for churros, but it's also possible that I've just never had a good one!
    omg dude there's a NUMBERED LIST BBCODE. allow me to demonstrate on your post
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