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  • huh. I thought the latter clearly didn't make any sense.

    I kind of need to know for my commands (after which I really will go back to studying...), so can it be solved, like, now lmao

    (also, I've just realized that Indyelle sounds like "Indian elephant" shortened. but that's not where the name comes from.)
    on second thought I submit to the superiority of your Master Plan, and also refuse to write for you (actually I'm just busy not studying)

    (edit: also, when someone uses a combo, are they allowed to choose which action is their rest action, or is it always the following action? I always assumed it was the latter, but once someone was like "wtf no if you do a combo on the first action you can choose to rest on the third action" so idk...)
    Do fixed-damage moves like Super Fang count toward the three-damaging-Normal-moves limit in the tourney battles?
    just hilarious. alas, I am not quite as witty as yourself.

    what is your avatar supposed to be (maybe this would be clearer if I wasn't on mobile)
    well, dragons and fire-breathing pigeons know nothing of fear. they can only imagine what would be terrifying to sensible beings.

    Metallica contains a pronunciation ambiguity! like, what if I pronounced it as "Nickelback"? what then?!
    it was offensive! >:( Dragon said it was because I scared you away! I'm not scary! :(

    but it still doesn't have a pronunciation ambiguity. clearly there is no reason to spend years pronouncing my beauteous name like "Effy". and clearly "zh-" sounds exactly like "z-". and actually, no, they were jumping on a trampoline making up names. there was no uncontrolled falling involved.

    yeah, well, your name has a pronunciation ambiguity and mine doesn't! so there!
    :O does that mean I win?! apparently it just means "something for something". I thought it was slightly more technical and complicated than that. also, does that mean when I called you mister metallicanofunboy I was actually granting you high and lofty status... >:(

    Eifie doesn't have a pronunciation ambiguity! there is only one proper way that you could ever think of pronouncing it! same with Zhorken! also, it's "pronunciation", and also, "eligible". guess where I got the second one from. :D
    I also know that quid pro quo means... something weird! actually, I didn't learn that in law. I read a book called quid pro quo, and omg it has something to do with a weird trade or something. is it just "this for that"? that doesn't sound at all right... I could google this, but I'm busy memorizing useless facts about how a disadvantage of routers over bridges/switches is that with routers there's a pronunciation ambiguity.
    yeah, they won't even let me make a nohari window and pick rash as all six of my traits, because that's the only thing that's wrong with me! the rest of me is absolutely perfect! >:(

    yeah well what if I'd thought of some English thing and you were like "haha I know this thing anyway because I went to the School For Students Who Also Speak English or something" >:( you'll see! I'll defeat you with my knowledge from eleventh-grade law, which I would have gotten a much better grade in if I hadn't completely skipped a page of my final exam because I didn't notice it was there! I know what a habeas corpus is! I don't know remember what it means that you must have the body, but I know that it says you must have the body >:(
    god kevan.org, how hard is it to escape > characters instead of removing them entirely

    what about... what about... obscure law vocabulary?! were your classes in english or portuguese (I cannot think of any obscure non-latin legal terms right now but I am sure one must exist)
    lol k let me go add "pure" and "unspiteful" to your johari window

    (but I know an english word that you do not know! I shall cherish the small victories.)
    aww you looked at the brogrammer thread before I could edit in my very carefully-chosen insults at being ninja'd :'(

    (also, hah, I see I have finally stumped you with my diverse mathematical vocabulary!)
    gosh how can you not proofread your templates. so unobservant (coming from the one who didn't realize Tassorosso was a girl for several months)
    heehee! Life Orb recoil doesn't count towards the cap, remember? (I am amused at how you managed to misspell a variant of "activated" twice in your calculations)
    This keeps reminding me that I was sure I included a thing about splitting up damage between actions, but I think I only did that in the post in ASB Meta. The idea was something like divide the total damage by three and round down, and then come up with some sensible and consistent way to distribute the remainder among the actions.

    (So, if it was inflicted on the second action, it'd be doing either 3% or 2% that round, depending on whether you put that 1% remainder on the first action or not.)
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