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  • Nobody's ever banned Telekinesis in their matches that I recall, while searching up Super Fang in the challenge board returns 71 results. Pain Split returns 69. Of course this includes times when the challenge is quoted, but it's a good rough picture of how often it's banned.

    Lend you my most beauteous creature?! Surely you don't think I'd fall for such an obvious trap... Cool Beauty deserves a much more exciting signature move, anyway. But I can't think of anything :(

    (probably better to do that one sooner than later)
    I don't think a lot of people really want Super Fang either, considering how often it's banned when Pain Split and the like are...

    Oh, cool. I'd make a sig move like that for Cool Beauty Violet Temptation, but everyone would hate me for using it.

    (Yes we are, and also, what? Is it that confusing? Also, if Sheer Force should affect Icy Wind like in the games, its effects are going to need to be rewritten.)
    Actually, a much better question is, why ban OHKOs, then?

    If I submitted a sig move that did a damage cap's worth of damage to the opponent with a flat 40% energy cost that could only be used within the first x actions of an opponent being sent out for the first time, would you approve it?
    actually, you didn't ban it. I did while you were gone. (though if Super Fang isn't a problem, I don't see why Pain Split is, or why direct healing is restricted to one per match...)
    Because advanced refs can mentor people!

    no, post your orders in public >:(
    I promoted four people while you were gone! I'm sure you would not have approved. :) I left my post about it sitting in the social group for days like "okay guys, seriously, if you have a problem with this, speak up now or forever hold your peace..." and everyone was just like "why would anyone actually have a problem with this" and I was like "I know, right?!". tbh I dunno if there's enough ref activity among the non-promoteds to promote people...

    omg I didn't think you would actually agree okay, on three! one... two...

    ("omg let's just ruin MF's day. Entrain your ability onto Irony, so that Irony will no longer be ironic! Haha! It is brilliant! Actually, do it three times. Make sure Irony is super un-ironic. It's perfect.

    Entrainment @ Irony x3")
    I got to be a mentor!!! My diligent mentee disappeared after a couple of rounds...

    omg, wait till you see my commands for the LLLL. Actually, Keldeo said they were especially amusing given your commands, so I guess we shall see... omg I wanna know now though. psssst I'll tell you my commands if you tell me yours
    well actually we got new refs for it at the end of July, so it's actually been moving shockingly quickly. :O

    for your reading pleasure. I liked Sangfroidish's blue ball thing a lot. and my Rage Powder thing, obviously. (which WORKED JUST AS PLANNED, by the way.)

    actually I just realized you can't tell the full context of my commands from there, so, for your enjoyment:

    Aww man, you couldn't manage any more damage with your balls than with a plain old Tackle? Must've been pretty tiny balls. I guess you are a pretty tiny bug, not yet of breeding age...

    And now for this round, let's try something completely different. Use a String Shot to grab onto the highest object possible and pull yourself up onto it. A light on the ceiling, the top of the mesh fence thing which may or may not exist surrounding the ball pit, hell, the ref's head if you need to, just get yourself high up and away. Then coat yourself in a Rage Powder to get everyone's eyes and attention on you! They shouldn't be able to reach you with their attacks, which is nice, and if some of them can, well then you should have TRIED HARDER, YEAH? Finally, hopefully everyone should have drawn closer to you in attempts to attack you, so coat them all with a lovely fine mist of Stun Spore. It's too bad you don't have Sleep Powder...

    These commands are of course 100% legit and I have complete faith in your ability to carry them out, so if something goes wrong it's your fault, you hear?

    String Shot (climb up) ~ Rage Powder ~ Stun Spore @ the largest fucking radius possible, put on a show for your lowly admirers
    hahaha are you aware that the baby bug ball brawl is nearly complete

    edit: also I hope you saw the part where I commanded my Scatterbug to use Rage Powder in an 8-Pokémon free-for-all
    "That said, a round in which a KO happened always ends with the end of the action that the KO took place in, regardless of the number of Pokémon on the field."

    what could possibly be a good reason for this monstrosity >:(
    oh man I need a Sebastian Debeste. but I have too many Pokémon... who would even be good. do any Pokémon have daddy issues
    whew I was afraid you might not have played AAI2 and you wouldn't know where that name came from
    I will be watching with great excitement!!!! i feel bad for keldeo, it's probably for the best that i didn't participate really :|a

    haha that is basically the extent of me and my housemate's piano skills (MD plays it all the time and complains that it isn't tuned). also MD LOVES prozdvoices and he told me to tell you that you should follow him on tumblr if you don't already!
    So I asked Eifie a mechanics question that she's directing me to you to answer. The full conversation is here but the gist is that per an old Negrek ruling, I'm having flinches decrease in probability the more often they happen, but I'm not sure how long to make each flinch's impact on the odds last. What's your take on it, if you don't mind me asking?
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