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  • Oh yeah, I don't know why I actually had that idea in the first place. I guess just because the nohari windows exist.
    Not much more than you can expect from something that puts "religious" as a positive trait, I guess. I also like "tense" and its nohari version "inattentive", and "nervous" and "blasé".
    You know, I was just wondering what the opposite of "religious" would be in the nohari window, and it turns out it's "unethical". Nice.
    I mean, WHO WOULD WANT TO BE CALM (I am forever amused at the anon who put me down as calm). omg what a missed opportunity. I should have picked clever instead >:(

    you think it isn't the case that 100% of people think you're blasé?! someone is clearly lacking in self-awareness, I think that was also one of the possible traits...
    hahaha I tried to put an angry face in my name when I filled out your johari window but apparently the angry part got sanitized away so now it's just a sad face. please note that all my adjectives were meant in the most insulting way possible >:(
    ... oh yeah, I forgot about that. I felt like there was some very obvious version that I was missing, which was why I said that in the first place, but I couldn't remember what it was.
    and... and...! today on Duolingo I did a new lesson for the first time in like, years, and now I know the word vuelve. and some other words, I guess, but vuelve is a really weird word.
    I heard the word "morning", and, uh... there was another word, but I forgot it.

    edit: oh, it was "kitchen".
    oh hey, I can watch this video at half or even quarter speed! just you wait, I'm going to understand every word

    edit: never mind now I just have no idea what they're saying
    SEE, NO HARM WAS DONE (probably)

    also DID YOU KNOW you screwed up the order of me and JackPK's names in our thread title. shame. shaaaaaame. I mean, I'm obviously the first and most brilliant to come to mind, but you've got to learn to ignore your internal biases to be an effective tournament organizer.
    are you suuuure someone's asked something similar about sound-based moves? the substitute and sound moves thing only came into effect after old ASB died, so...
    It actually does mention it in his scale (something about Telekinesis lasting three actions including the action it's used). The only issue I think is that technically you get half an action less of Telekinesis when moving second as opposed to when moving first, which still has an impact since we haven't done anything about the contact moves thing yet. (I guess it could also affect double battles, and, as is actually the case here, times when the speed order changes after Telekinesis is used.)

    I don't actually care very much, so yeah, I'll just nix that action from my plans.
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