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  • okay legit was it you who changed Aimable's L'Instant Magic to Aimable's Instant Magic or was it me, because either is equally probable
    (:O so I have your permission to post the threads at 12:01 am Thursday, then?)
    and how many of those are UNLOVED MUDKIP SKELETONS :'(

    (I thought we were going to put off MD vs Byrus specifically since MD is away at the moment anyway?)
    My desire to avoid contact with the enemy takes precedence over my love for unloved Mudkips.

    (do you think you could start the next round at like 12:01am on Thursday lmao... everyone is ready except MD and Byrus anyway...!)
    Or I could continue to hoard Damp Mudkip. I wonder how much I'd have to pay people to convince them to use their hidden ability freebies on Mudkips.
    I was thinking of Thick Club, but I thought it might be too much of a stretch. Ah, Toxic Orb is perfect. What else would I spend my thousands on, anyway?
    I can't find a appropriately funny held item for drunk and on my fifth leg :C
    would I ever pay you anything but the highest of compliments?! also, I can't remember if I made my mermaid shiny myself or not.
    (don't worry, I think it sounds just as funny and un-tacky as all your other jokes!)

    Really?! omg my world is like crashing around me because I remember that being seen as really shitty even then, but Negrek just didn't have the time to police every tournament battle.

    (you make the ASB Meta post, I'm too lazy >:( )
    (lmao it's the one about putting a something in a something so you can charge while you charge, right)

    Well, one-action Fly is definitely reduced priority, just like Dig. (We have also had an instance of sleep lasting ridiculously long in a tournament battle, so.) why is it so hard to find anything about anything >:(

    If we don't want to decide one way or another, then what about refs that actually do do it that way? Should they be required to say so for every battle they're reffing? Should battlers be expected to remember to ask if they want to use one of those moves?
    Alright, hopefully my last Inverse Battle-related question: How do double-weaknesses from immunities interact with resistances from a secondary typing? e.g. if Psychic were used on a Drapion in an Inverse Battle, would it be 2x or 4x effective?
    Really? I swear everyone's been doing it that way. From the attacks guide, quick-charge Solar Beam definitely has reduced priority, and so does the coming up part of Dig (and presumably its counterparts as well). There was this conversation in there that Negrek never actually commented on, which is annoying, but I've never seen anyone not make the charging be slow.
    I always thought this was a general thing and not a just some refs thing, and I found a bunch of places where it's mentioned implicitly but not said 100% straight out, so could you decide? :O
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