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  • :O you wouldn't dare

    (also: what do you think. I kind of agree and it makes sense but I'm also kind of annoyed because I was planning on having that one more action of Telekinesis (more to stop my opponent Facade-ing than anything, since that is an unfortunate side-effect right now) and that's how it usually works, right? I guess I would have known had I waded through the several-pages reffing scale, but I did not think to.)

    edit: also, I let Byrus know that he has this option, so we shall see!
    ... no, not even that >:((

    (I'm like 99% sure his squad was ready, though, and MD didn't change very much in his. I guess he can be like "lol wait i wasn't ready" since he's sending out first, anyway.)
    trung tâm tiếng anh thành lập công ty tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật học kế toán tại bắc ninh nhạc sàn phiền toái lớn nhất đối với chúng ta rồi!

    Đông Phương Ngọc đang nằm trên cán cứu thương làm bằng cành cây, có chút gian nan xoay chuyển thân thể của mình, nhìn thấy phiến vòm trời sáng rọi trên đỉnh đầu mình, đã bị những cành lá rừng rậm um tùm cắt gọt thành vô số những đốm sáng cùng với bóng râm xen kẽ, thoáng trầm mặc một lát, sau đó mới nói:

    - Kỳ thật, trước kia đã từng có bộ đội của Liên Bang đã đi vào đó rồi, chính xác hơn nữa mà nói, ở nơi đó, vẫn mãi đều có bộ đội Liên Bang trường kỳ ở trong đó!

    Hứa Nhạc khẽ nhíu nhíu mày nhìn hắn, thoáng trầm mặc
    "the something of the morning"


    "something something something talk to me"

    ??? whatever bye
    tonight I may be too rattled to sleep...

    also, guess what. I understood this without having to use google translate. who's a fuckin gringo now?!
    Are you simply unaware that I already used that one already a few VMs ago?
    What can I say, your constant swarm of bad excellent puns has me on edge.
    I misread that as "overgrow" and thought you were making some horrible pun that deserved to die in the blazes of a gigantic bonfire.
    oh, crap. I can't actually link to individual sprites because I forgot Zhorken is using a big sprite sheet and then cropping it down, so I can't actually link to the sprites from the db and I don't want to bother cropping and uploading them myself. I'll just revert the sprites to normal and add "shiny" to their descriptions. :(
    they never actually got added, but you could link to them directly instead of using sprite tags.
    oh yeah, uv and MD were on Facebook today, so maybe they'll be back soon! I guess I could've just... messaged one of them to ask, but then I wouldn't know what name to use. it'd be too weird.
    oh, well, I guess that works too. I hope you can sleep after though :C
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