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  • I'd like to pretend that I am an expert on dispensing wisdom about elephants (from my wisdom tooth), but despite them being my favourite animals I know like, all of two things about them.
    your elephant needs a name! it shows love. may I suggest something along the lines of this?
    b) does this mean I win? solution

    c) oh... I want a baby bouncing elephant :C (edit: tooooo cute)
    sqlite> select name from pokemon_form_moves join moves on pokemon_form_moves.move_id=moves.id and pokemon_form_id=232 and move_id not in (select move_id from pokemon_form_moves where pokemon_form_id=231);
    Horn Attack
    Fury Attack
    Hyper Beam
    Scary Face
    Rapid Spin
    Iron Defense
    Gyro Ball
    Rock Polish
    Poison Jab
    Giga Impact
    Thunder Fang
    Fire Fang
    Stone Edge

    how do you expect me to live without my bouncing elephants?!

    a) this is even more painful than your tournament defeat (in which you were defeated, in a tournament, that you lost)

    b) you missed one of the changes I made to your team. I don't blame you, because I keep having to go back and check with past records to see if you've actually changed it back or not. (this is a very un-subtle hint.)
    But like, then I'd have to give it another attribute to give it the speed and movepool of a Donphan while appearing to be a Phanpy...
    ooh! I would have voted for Phanpy for sure, it's one of my favourite Pokémon. <3 I'd get one of my own, but it evolves into Donphan.
    I really need this one gif of a budgie in a toy ship in a sink for this situation, but now that I think aboat it I'm not sure it actually exists.

    edit: "Current Activity: Viewing Social Group List" omg are you actually looking for the boat thing
    Springboarding off VM's question, will items like Snowball and Chople Berry work as normal, or add weaknesses to the holder?
    Yo MF, will items like Magmarizer and Electirizer work as normal, or will they damage the holder based on inverse weaknesses?
    do you think we could put off Music Dragon vs Byrus specifically if Music Dragon doesn't get back to organize his squad in time (which is looking likely)?
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