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  • that's because you misspelled it so badly that it turned into a bold tag.
    okay, I'll go through and proofread it later. seriously, how do you misspell
    every single time?! gotta learn your
    by the way are you going to go back to posting tournament things yourself, because then I need to proofread them sooner rather than right before posting >:(
    I'm unsure on what I should do with the Sig Move I tried to give Pluto, should I resubmit it as a Sig Trib...or?
    A moment of your time, my good man, but would residual weather damage, by default, count towards the damage cap?
    fuckin telekinesis

    edit: oh I guess it got put to sleep anyway but even if it hadn't those were all contact moves... (except Astonish can randomly be bother or something? idk)
    Being forced to include a projectile in your conditionals at all times (when facing someone with a trapping move) on top of everything else is kind of irritating. :(
    I dunno, I feel like it happens relatively often. And if you were commanding first and all your attacking commands were contact, you're kind of screwed (which is usually when the trapping thing happens in the first place). First it was maybe more original, but now I just see "trap them in an Infestation" far more often than I'd like.
    uggh yeah. fuck psychics. (actually I kind of hate trapping moves in general as "lol trap em in a fire spin to stop em from using body slam" has gotten so boring)
    oh yeah, it was a gen five move... maybe you should change it then.

    also, can we like... do something about Telekinesis sometime? it's so annoying, man
    "In the case of Fly, Bounce, and Sky Drop, this attack brings the target back to earth immediately. In all other cases, it permanently removes the target's immunity to Ground-type attacks." dude didn't you write that
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