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  • Well, the past tense is because I've had that forum hidden for years, and I don't feel like looking.
    Yeah. But it's sort of akin to Safari Zone style, and that seems to have moved fast enough at some point.
    I dunno, I think a lot of people are decently into RP. It doesn't need to be very seriously monitored, or anything.
    Oh! That. I still haven't read the whole thing, but I guess I'm running out of time. I have a draft in my inbox, but it's a really bad draft because I don't want to write flavour, and should probably not use the flavour that is already there in the thing, hilarious as it would be.
    there are several things you should be reading on this forum, so I'm just going to hazard a guess that you mean the arena description.
    I don't think either is, no. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll get on remarking them as unapproved right now.
    Hi, would you be all right with confirming your approvals for Byrus' and Meursault's signature attributes here? I marked them as approved in the second post, since it's been more than three days and no one spoke up to disagree, but Eifie told me to check with you.
    In one reffing I saw Sangfroidish call her Effie, Eifie, Eiffe, and Efife, or something.
    you know, Superbird inspired another mass misspelling while you were gone. for a while everyone was mixing me up with his freakin' Wailmer.
    omg not that one again... so unoriginal

    edit: now I have another comrade to beat you up with!
    (I can't find it... do I just not know my Pokémon's names, because that is entirely possible.)

    the humour is twofold! first, it has my name in it. second, it makes it look like you don't know how to spell "chief". truly my most diabolical plan yet... I had a good pun, but I forgot it.
    speaking of, I made a small change to your squad a while ago that you don't seem to ever have noticed.
    it's not even than long! >:( you gotta keep up with the times, man. although I think you were around when I reffed the previous iteration of this battle, when it was only three ways.

    ah, yes. I'll crush you with the Pokémon you named after yourself. the ultimate embarrassment!
    does it make you sad to see the ridiculous battles you're missing out on... perhaps one day we'll have a ten-way combining every arena ever made
    My answer's still the same, I think. It's totally possible for fluff thing to float really close to the shore and then use Hydro Pump, so monkey is still waiting for that until fluff thing actually reaches land. By that time it's certainly not going to have time to prepare and launch a Fire Spin before Endeavour, which is for whatever reason described as a fast tackle, actually lands, unless monkey thing is very far from the shore.
    Well, I think your conditional command resolution makes more sense, anyway. I'm in class, so I'm not going to read the entire context, but would the monkey thing be sure of where the fluff thing was going before it actually got off the water? I'd think not, so monkey thing would have to wait for fluff thing to get on land before being able to prepare a Fire Spin. (<3 swype...)
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