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  • I don't want to crop this from mobile so you'll just have to guess my reaction
    come at me bro

    objection! an incorrect use of interpolation in a mathematical sense >:( interpolation is like extrapolation, except it's between your data points instead of outside your range. now you know! although it's not like it's hard to guess, anyway, with the prefix. you can use it to try to approximate a very complicated and hard to compute function with a simpler one! I was going to say it's like how I could take your sentences and translate them into plain english that a simple human being such as myself could understand, but it's not actually like that.
    ah yes, the science of floating point representation was indeed sent down from hell by Satan himself. I am glad to have provided a useful addition to your vocabulary, which you can use to sound very impressive when you prosecute Satan in the Brazilian courts.
    pfft! a dictionary definition! let me see you use it in a sentence.

    edit: oooh, I got one. you can't possibly know what a mantissa is.
    I bet you don't know what an interpolation is!! that's a word my prof said in class! I was listening the entire time for obscure words
    Yeah... well... I bet you don't know the word... man, I can't think of any obscure math terms. god dammit, math, why are you so practical.

    HR's threat was totally ridiculous anyway as even if I did want to return to industry, my actual supervisors would give me great references. what kinds of papers would you need from your old job? just, like, proof that you worked there...?
    Did it just happen to coincide with Labour Day, or is it not always September 7?

    I think Civic Holiday was invented literally for the purpose of having a holiday in August here. (after shiftily googling hegemony, why is your English vocabulary so much broader than mine, I thought it wasn't your first language, or maybe I'm just confusing you with LotF. then again, I suck at The English anyway)

    nice, nice. I was breaking out of my contract 12 months early, so technically they could have sued me, I guess. instead they just spent ages offering me progressively more prestigious positions which I pretended to consider before rejecting them all. HR also seemed to be subtly threatening to ruin my career in order to scare me into staying... perhaps I, too, should have brought them a bottle of wine. will keep this in mind if I am ever stupid enough to venture back into industry...
    I think Totodile got to the battle before you did, so Shih-Na's only got 1 exp. :C can you tell Zhorken about the tie? I hate trying to argue on my own behalf...

    it happens to be the Friday before school! I had to jump through so many fuckin hoops to quit that it ended up happening at the last possible moment. I was talking to my co-workers about quitting for like a month and a half and I don't think any of them even believed me anymore until the deed was finally done.
    :O we became unemployed at the same time! well, technically. I went and cashed in all my vacation right before handing in my resignation so that my last day was actually Tuesday, but officially it was Friday!

    yes, that should be a KO for both. excellent! I would hate to have to give Shih-Na a Lucky Egg, it'd cramp her style.
    if you were only on break from work for a week, does this mean tomorrow you're going to disappear again? :CC

    Yeah, if people had actually noted them. I'm pretty sure I looked at every one of those matches, though.
    I think I looked at all of them, and actually, it doesn't look like it would have happened there anyway, as score was based on totals throughout all three bouts instead of just the number of bouts won.
    I dunno, even ties in regular battles are not common, and bouts didn't really become common until the tournament battle. In a regular battle both Pokémon get the KO if there's a tie, so if you hadn't been around for a second opinion I would've said it'd go that way.
    oh yeah! do you think both Pokémon should get KO exp in this bout, or neither? (please say both)
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