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  • how dishonorable, ganging up on a poor little fairy fish :C

    (completely unrelated: imagine a dystopian AU in which Encore has the distribution of Swagger)
    excellent! your return can be hailed by an active squad of Luvdisc. then they will have no need for exp, as they have already reached their ultimate form.
    they can have Plus and Minus, and Jo-Ni can have Equals. It's funny because they're not equals, Jo-Ni is much better than them.
    hah! if it was against you instead of the one whose ass you were supposed to kick for me, I wouldn't need the RNG's blessing!
    actually, it'd be kind of cool to have an attribute where a Pokémon has a bit of ability to manipulate the RNG or something. "unwanted, poor Defiant Bird was abandoned at the shrine of Lirrin, and when he returned..."
    heh, the order of the undying meme continue to be many and subtle... perhaps the Piplup would make a suitable offering for ARNGNTHULW (though I hear the gods are vegetarians)
    I'm feeling more of a heavy metal music fest, with a different band playing in the background each round, and a different effect coming into play for whichever it is.

    I'm totally with you on the higher priorities thing. I just started uni, so I have no idea how much free time I'm going to have. I'm on the e-mail list for something like eight different clubs, so we'll see how that works out.
    You must read every post about Metallica, as well as every post by every member who has liked Metallica at the same time as going by male pronouns.
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