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  • And you didn't do a forum wide search for your namesake? Horrible.

    (like Spinal Tap, right?)
    I keep seeing random guests looking at this thread in the online list and I'm always shocked to discover that you never posted in it.
    Once you're back for good we can have a battle in "the fucking pit".

    But for real, it's awesome to know you aren't gone forever.
    whoaaa you're online so early in the morning. have you also been freed from The Workplace
    So happy to see you back, I thought the new Megadeth album would come out and I'd have no one to celebrate with!!!
    one of said battles is literally the worst idea I have ever had. I should really sleep on my ideas before going through with them.

    but when Dragon was dead, only her mom replied to my VMs! am I... am I speaking to your lawyer
    by the way, I got you a defiant bird. I figured you probably wouldn't look at that thread, and it's not in your PC yet.
    nah, it's not really that much work. except for how I decided it was totally a great idea to ref six battles! (it was not a great idea.) wish I could kick your ass in the tournament, though. (speaking of, could you comment on the last post I made about it in the social group when you have a chance?)

    at least you're not dead! that was Dragon's theory. I didn't believe it because when Dragon died in my dream, she had the courtesy to post about it in the grr thread so I would know.
    where did you go off to, anyway? I figured if that was your planned break you would've given me a heads up like "yo eif, be a dear and run the game while I'm gone, would you?"
    beautiful, I'm keeping it for my next battle. (have you seen Slowpoke Song? idk man have you been on the internet or maybe out in the swamps)

    I'm going to send you the sig test. Let's see if you pass.
    dude! dude do you want all your responsibilities back. pls do the sig stuff, I had to quiz and evaluate a bunch of people while having no fucking clue what I was doing, yo. also please do the yelling at the people who do sketchy things so I can just be a friendly friend again... also I hope I didn't ruin your tournament. did you see that my precious Barfie beat up a Gallade
    ummm no you jerk come back wtf. You know, I am reffing six battles at once while carrying out all your duties
    Just a suggestion, but I feel like if (though it's looking like it's now a "when" situation) the Late Bracket gets opened to those eliminated in earlier rounds of the tourney, priority should go to those who lost in the first round, rather than the second.
    My coworker is wearing camo socks. I just had to let you know because it reminded me of the camo cap.
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