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  • Ah, yes! My favourites! Incidentally, have you seen the Diggersby Fanclub?
    haha, I purposely put Aimable's attribute first so the difference would be funnier, but then I realized people probably wouldn't read the other one. :(

    you could go to the old tcodf and dig up all sorts of cringey stuff about Zhorken! I retaliated for this transgression by changing her squad's names to something even more embarrassing that I shall not mention here out of the kindness of my heart.
    :'( it's in Diamond Dust's signature attribute, didn't you know you're supposed to read every post

    Ah, yes. Finally a nickname for my Espeon, should I make her shiny. You know, when Zhorken implemented shininess apparently the first thing she did was go into my profile, make Adelle shiny, and rename her Emerald Espeon. I was quite offended.
    also, speaking of flavours (vaguely), I was very disappointed that you never commented on my joke about snorting the contents of the Sachet.
    Blue Flavour? Everyone knows about blue flavour popsicles, right? If it wasn't shiny maybe it could be cherry cough syrup flavour. The two grossest medication flavours!
    hey! you don't get to say "I think!" you must say "I am God, and so this shall be."

    (I had the same gut feeling though)
    haha! now I don't have to make snap judgments in the question box and declare that this is true because I say it is true! you can do that instead!
    oh yeah! did you also see my most recent post in the social group in the events thread? I am 100% serious about planning this, you know. I have a draft in my PMs.
    I bet your Super Smile ToMFstoMF is so incompetent she'll lose horribly even with super-effective STAB (although Lover Man also has super-effective STAB in the form of Freeze-Dry)
    hahaha do you notice the one particularly amusing thing on VM's list of shit to do
    (oh, that reminds me, I'm starting to totally agree on your stance of having to wait to check for Protect, but I don't think people would like me reffing it like that myself...)

    aww, you like the Piplup that much? :p it's too bad, I think LotF was going to trade his Treecko for Faorzia's Piplup and then changed his mind, and now I guess changed his mind again. I think it's the only HA Treecko, too.
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