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  • I understand and I apologize, though I stand by my decision. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    I do understand the implications, but given my normal damage-rate for regular poison (and severe burn, for that matter) is 6%/round at 2%/action, my Toxic only breaks even after five rounds, and at the pace of ASB the poisoned pokémon is often dead or near-dead by then anyway due to either regular attack damage or energy usage. The D&E guide recommends 1% per round initially and climbs by 1% each successive round, which I feel is much too low of an amount; and giving it a flat per-action damage output would climb far too quickly, so I see starting at 2% and rising by 2%/round as the middleground.

    Balancing damaging statuses is an interesting challenge - I feel like Burn should do less damage than poison since it has an attack drop bonus, which is why I usually start it at moderate level with 4%/round (the instant Severe in the battle in question was due to proximity - at normal range Will-o-Wisp would have inflicted only a moderate burn), or light for lighter attacks, and poison at 6%. Increasible in severity, of course, with further efforts to exacerbate the condition (perhaps in future battles I should just make it impossible to increase Toxic's severity with successive uses of the move).

    And I do realize that it's not a thing I'm supposed to do, but given the individual situation of the battle and the fact that it literally doesn't matter (and thus standards had not yet clearly been defined) for the only one who is acknowledging it, I decided it was okay to do in this circumstance.
    "zzz... oh, MF said something... I'll turn over and read it in five minutes..."

    Alas, when I woke up two hours later, said message had been pushed off screen by another five hundred reconnect messages. Poor #tcod.
    Iiiii don't think that worked. Apparently I spammed #tcod with constant disconnects, too.
    Thank you for your detailed response! I've revised my scale to something more similar to Kratos Aurion's, but still keeping with the flavor of gradually recovering both speed and control.

    Also, since I somehow forgot to say this, you can take as long as you need for the tag battle commands! You have an Absence Sheet post, too, so it should be fine.
    Just because idk whether you've got notifications on for your battles and whatnot, I figured it wouldn't hurt to let you know about this. I am the most timeliest.
    Off the top of my head, Knock Off did 15% for 3% energy (same as the last round's, just a +1 Attack instead of a 1% EXP bonus)and almost rolled a critical, Drain Punch I think did 12% for 6% restore (8% with the attack boost and then 4% extra for type advantage) which made Counter do 24% for 12% energy and change slytherclaw into a Fighting type because of the Skill Swap. Psycho Cut did nothing ("can't hit the opponent" to me is different than "can't do actual damage") and Toxic missed, rolled a 99. Everything else was pretty standard I think, no crits (Knock Off was only a couple numbers off so I would've knocked a fair amount of teeth out, but Kecleon...don't have teeth) and Leftovers regen was nullified by first-action Knock Off.
    Okay I had the thing all done and ready to submit and the freaking internet ate it. I'm sorry, but I don't have the energy to do it again, so if it's all right with you I'll just pass the torch, I'm so sorry ;~; it was a beautiful prose
    Any week spent at home is hell, but I'm currently working on it! I actually just sat down to do it (the internet connection here is a can of worms on its own) and then it's all yours. Sorry for the confusion!
    Ah, and then the entire world can celebrate the beauteous day upon which an eif was born!
    It's like, the Monday before the queen's birthday or something. I thought people in the US had a holiday that falls on the same day, but it's looking like it's just a Canadian thing. Either way not a global thing, unfortunately. But we must all celebrate the queen's birthday! She's old, too, but not as old as you.
    Your work thing is unpaid? :C

    Look on the bright side! Tomorrow's Friday and it's a long weekend! ... You don't get the long weekend, though, do you.
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