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  • I was trying to read the Gates to Infinity plot, but omg. the summary on Bulbapedia is such shit, I read that whole thing and have no idea what happened in that game. can you assist
    I keep Petrify Orbs with me for these
    but it was on that annoyingly long mountain dungeon from before Lively Town so I didn't want to bother wasting one. I only used two Tiny Reviver Seeds!

    oh yeah, I haven't been looking at the jukebox at all. I wonder if they have my favourites...

    currently in a monster house where all opponents are spamming helping hand and agility and I just stepped on a slow trap, will get back to you later
    My Chikorita is so pathetic that a super-effective Ancient Power basically does the same amount of damage as a doubly-not-effective Magical Leaf... It's very irritating. Every attack basically does the same amount of damage when I use it. But right now I'm taking
    ok seriously why did they choose that name. no matter how hard I try I just can't stop reading emera as enema. :(

    I actually had an easier time in the earlier dungeon
    , for whatever reason. I do have Ancient Power, so I guess that helped, and Fire-types in general (barring Darmanitan and Volcarona) seem to pack less of a punch than those Nidos and Crobats and Sevipers. :( I basically spent the entire time in
    dashing for the stairs with a queue of bloodthirsty enemies right behind me.
    I just finished it! I just did the
    and omg it's so annoying. especially because I'm Chikorita.
    If it's the latter, I think we should just make it scale with the base power... for any physical move with over 80 BP, the added 2% is cheaper. For very powerful moves it's kind of... pretty little energy.
    So, when Guts boosts the base power of a move, does the base energy increase correspondingly with the base power and then get an additional 2% tacked on to it, or is it just 2% energy added to the base energy, regardless of the base power of the move?
    I could never even dream of creating something so perfect. My Houndoom has clearly fulfilled her destiny.
    Okay! I asked Eifie, and she referred me to you, since it's your arena. Thanks! In any case, since we have two fresh Pokémon and all (and Water Pokémon at that!), the shallows are a possibility!
    So, I can send out Fennekin or Horsea next round - I might be reckless and use Fennekin, but is Horsea an option? Could a swimming Pokémon still magically sit on the deck somehow, or would I have to toss her straight into the water? (Being as it's your arena and all! Thoughts?)
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