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  • An excellent answer: one that both confuses and gently ridicules.

    I think as long as you have a healthy turnout and are able to keep the administration under control, you'll probably be fine. ASB leagues are very difficult to kill once they get rolling; even when they die there are usual multiple attempts at necromancy. The future of yours is bright.
    Look at your fic. Now look at this fic. Now back to your fic. Now back to this fic. Your fic is not this fic.
    Ah, well. Pointing and laughing will have to do then.

    I remember the days when I did eighteen reffings a week. It's good to hear that you've got people excited about being involved; I hope you can keep the momentum up!
    I hope whoever was reffing wrote them a round that made the player feel sufficiently foolish.
    Hm... For behaviour, how about Kratos's Rufflet? (IN. FUCKING. UNOVA.)

    And as for movepool changes... Perhaps Mike's fighting-type Drowzee?
    Well, maybe.

    You actually reminded me I needed to go through and put the most recent completed battles in the completed battles folders. Thanks.
    Also I am going to start saving arenas + move/body mods too.
    I don't need to save my reffings seperately from the damage calculations because I include them! It has the advantage of letting other people check to make sure I get it right because I can't math and even when I use a calculator I end up getting it wrong. :(
    I'm trying to think of additional details, but can't do so for so many. My Raqs Sharqui and Strigiformes are changed though, and Tybalt has stripy fur that is more than just a simple recoloring, so...

    :O You save your reffings too? I thought I was the only one! Although I have several folders, namely one for in-progress battles, then one for completed battles, then the same two again for e-reffings. Mine is currently ended by Zora of Termina vs. DJ P0N-3, probably fairly obviously.
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