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  • Fauxhawk. It's a word now. He grows it back, but sinc ei think they film eps outta order it's like one ep 'ohey it's almost as long as before' and the next ep is all 'wut when did he mow his hair down again'

    Well he is adorible anyhows, fff like a teeny little Wilson
    Your butt's not bubbly :c

    Yes, they do. o: Specially when he has short hairs (which, aren't that bad I guess pffft Like I can draw Lassie anyways)

    YES. It's like super curly and fluffy Shawnhairs! 8D
    bb = baby. IDK, GO ALONG WITH IT. Plus Typh never notices butts hurr

    D: Sometimes I really wanna hug that man. And tug at his ears, they are huge and are like, half of his charm-*shot*

    I dooo. Well uh sorta. Not really. He's my partner in crime, but we might as well be related hurrr (his hair is part of /his/ charm. NO DON'T GET A HAIRCUT YOU BASTARD D:)
    Dude. His face when he does that <3 Also I can't remember what ep he baby-sits Jules nieces and nephews (ironically enough, Jules/Lassie could be considered my het!ship. ...shut up) and pwns them all at Punch-Out! but I have a .gif of it :v

    okay bb <3

    oic o: But Typh's rl!brother is ickyyy D: *shot*
    8D I KNOW BB WATCH THE SEASON FINALE FOR 4 FIRST (okay weird yes, but just saw the Season 3 finale and they are connected)

    My personal favorite: "Pan-sexual, omni-sexual... Whatever. If there's "sex" in the word, Lassie embodies it." I couldn't breathe for a few minutes after that because of the laughing (and it all makes sense now! *shot*)

    yaaay we shall watch it togetherr

    alsoalso e-mail plz? I has Windows Live Messenger so.

    I have no one to be incestouous with. But! I do have fuckbuddies (remember that fivesome? We're all, you included, moving into a massive rainbow ouse with a sauna <3)
    I thought so a hurr hurr

    Yay! Expect link bombardin~! (and most of it is prolly Psych related cause i'm lame like that) cobrasexual!Lassie. it's canon now, bitches. (grass grows, birds fly and the Psych writers are my new gods, what else is new)

    aw, it's not cheating. We be in an open relationship~ Go sex up anyone ya want <3
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