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  • It's a pedometer. The more you walk, the Pokemon in there (there's a button on the main menu, connect to Pokewalker. Transfer a PCmon to there) levels up, gets happier, when it's empty they sometimes join you..then watts. Watts you gain the more you walk (or shake it around~) and you can catch Pokemon on there, get items, and whatnot. Unlock areas too. It's even Pokeball shaped <3

    ...bondage? *shot*

    Haha x3 He would~! And since everyone's genderbent ...Girl!Lassie? o:

    Me too.

    Dojjiko! 8D
    B-But...! Nostalgia! Kickass music! Pokéwalkerrrr ;-; I'm bringing mine to school soon~

    Yay! We are married! 8D ...now whut. What do married people do? o:

    And Lassie would be covering his eyes. "I didn't need to see that...ew. Dx" Although Shawn wouldn't look half bad as a gi-waitwait what am I saying ...he/she'd still have awesome-hairs? :D

    And I rewatched a bit of Season 2/3. Lassie playing Punch-Out! (the Wii version. He probably played the original too.) and absolutely pwning Jules's neices and nefews at it ("Oh you better change your name to Lassiter..cause I own you! >:D" Dead Typh is dead.) is a lovely image and makes Typh revel in her geekiness. Mainly because I was watching that while thinking on my Science project (play video games and record the physics) and remebered I had an old copy of Wii Games. I can now say Psych has helped me with my edumacation C:

    Awww....today he was cryng over something, I think it was his hat that was stolen (His hat is very serious buisness. I can't even touch it, and we're real close. This is the same guy that can shoot a crossbow with frightening accuracy, and once punted someone into the hallway. I am glad his default status is ':D *dorky moeness*') I hate seeing him cry. ;-; He has a tough life when it comes to a few things. And I had to hold back to not slap those idiot girls calling him a pussy. Damnit, humor is his way of coping! He should be allowed to crack every once in a while, right? D:

    ...Mercy is a Dojikko? O: TVTropes strikes again! Basically, you're a klutz. I'm not even sure I spelled that right.
    "Soul Silver aaaa" is now my basic vocabulary <3 askjkasfka why do I love it so. I know I'll end up with a Girafarig, Typholsion, Gengar (Haunter? Iunno), Slowbro (or 'king) and...something or other.

    :D Do eet~ Psssh, like I can do Alphonse and Lassie justice. The Original Character isn't from any fandom so I can’t screw her up too badly (mad scientist~) It's really just an excuse to goof off (and occasionally draw genderbent! fandoms but yeah. I can see Shawn being all "I have boobies? ...*touches*" and Lassie being ‘That’s obscene D:<" "No it is science >| *gropes self*" ...okay I am a terrible person. Agreed? Okay!)

    What. That's like the best thing ever. Also I saw your AnimeCon and Death Note tattoo.

    marry me woman <3 Do you mind a second waifu? ;w; it would make you a lady pimp. Typh will probably never get a tat, and if I do it’ll be with henna since I am a scardeyderp.

    Alas! Prolly early July cause snow days ;-; and if not, late, late June. Like...30th. OTL But! We do go somewhere for the last days and have a massive barbeque. I'm bringing my fedora.

    And to round this off, I think I have the best friend ever <3 We're playing games at the moment. One is this escalating war to find out how many awesome characters show up on other shows (I have a Post-It saying "Gus used to work at the White House." West Wing~! I think I've stumped him with "Jack Bauer is the Missing Link." hurrhurr Monsters vs Aliens.) and another is...well, it's more 'trolling each other with music' then a game. We've sung, in order, the Pokémon theme (we know all the words. Sad? Maybe. Awesome? Very.) "I Should Tell You," by RENT (he's a RENT fan too. hnnng) and we're in the middle of "Three Minutes Clapping." from The World Ends With You.

    And he's kinda adorible. Like...Wilson-cute o: Same eyes what.
    Dalhia's. I beat the first case and just met Godot. C:!

    Although imma taking a break from it cause whoamg SoulSilver ;w;

    It's probably Typh and her crazy thoughts but it's weird how similar they are. All Nabby needs is a band-aid on his face~

    D: Arrggh. Yes, blood comes first, and so do shared interests! I say we break in thar~ Or use the TARDIS. Somehow.

    ALSO. Blazheiro889 and I are planning a batshit crazy awesome crossover RP. You should join! Cause it's for summer and stuff. Now go be Shawn(since I am a dork and will be playing Lassie. And Alphonse. And an OC. Yeah C: It would be very amusing to see Little Boy Cat come along too. Mainly since Al is a suit of armor. A big, intimidating suit of just armor. With a fixation with teeny cute things, especially cats. Are you getting the same meental image? o:). Or Dexter (because stoic serial killer killer ftw). Or Pavi (Becuase he's Pavi damnit) And if you do all three I will drag myself to Alaska or wherever you are and hold up a sign saying "HAVE MY BABIES". Or Shaw-*shot* x3

    Er. Yeah. Join o: *shot again*

    I don't think the TCoD Sniper likes me much :c
    I'd be a very happy drunk. "HAY YOU. F-FLAIL AROUND LIKA...FISHEH."

    Yus they comb it. And then there's the next one which starts with Jules singing "Physical" (she has a very nice voice by the by~) and Lassie jumping on tabkles and hooting like a monkey. It was great x3 Jules was all "Yeah...knock yerself out, Tim. Is private time. Don't hurt anyone~!"

    Cox/Lassie fic? Hmmm. I haven't seen any Torchwood/Psych crosses, so no Shawn/Jack. Yet. Yet. And I found that kink meme again.

    ...I can now say that a Shawn/Gus/Lassiter/O'Hara forsome exists. Or at least the request does. Psych!Pr0n scares me a teeny bit and yet... D: We are pervy fandom and I am proud of this revelation.

    Also wtf Psych/Superhero fic? This wins everything forever, especially since they made Lassie Magneto. I squealed once I noticecd that one.

    Yes. It's Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trails and Tribulations. Why? Because I mothaucking bought it for fifteen dollars 8D

    Also, I just realized something. It's not supposed to fit this well but:

    Gumshoe = McNab. y/y? o:

    You've played it right? If so, what's Dalhia's contracdiction? Typh stuck :c
    Yes. We would get drunk and shizz o: Meow C:

    ...Cox/Lassie? That's real. *shot* Crack-overs are everywhere. For example, remember that pairing meme? The one with Pavi? Since I'm watching (scratch that, still watching the anime. The only copy of manga I can get my hands on is Bleach :c) Full Metal Alchemist often, I checked FF.Net for a crossover for shits and giggles. It exists. Lassiter/Hawkeye is absolutely adorible, srsly :3. It's their shared love of guns~

    Check eet on the website, it ends with one of the writers (why do I fail at names so hard? D:) apperently combing the sternum bush. It's...hard to explain x3 But pretty funny. And then there's the /next/ one.. :D

    Yup. Criminal Minds, Xena (He was Eli! *remembers* 8D), Jericho, The OC (still haven't seen it, though.) Uhuh Lucky of the Irish...yeah I'm done. Although I did see Rolling Kansas (..okay dragged) and was all like "So Shawn's going out to find weed? o:"

    Oh! And I think this Twitter thing is free. I are cheekeen so.

    Uh well I can't spoil it. Unless you want me to.
    ...it might've been a St. Patrick's picnic! o: He could've been drunk and stuff cause he's Irish and lucky? Haha. Well he did kiss a guy and girl on the same day, that's pretty awesome.

    Happy drinking day~ I dunno why I though this (I think they're both Irish, explains Cox's hair.) but Lassie and Doctor Cox would be the best drinking buddies ever.

    "Pffft. 'M stuck with an idiot doctor...Nancy can't d'anything right. *downs bottle*"

    "I'll trade you this 'nnyoing "psychic" of mine. D:< He never shuts up and won't stop flirting with me... *falls over*"

    If you check out the new stripping!Psych-out you can still hear it! o: Although a quick Google search (I can never write his last name right! Rage D:) reveals he's actually from Missouri. Or something, I dunn-wait he was in Xena? I watched that as a little kid way too much to be healthy stop showing up everywhere man :|

    Plus it's your job to meet the cast, or see them or something at the next con~! He can't hate you there...maybe x3

    He's still moving and walking though...! But he was transferred to Long Island and stuff. More folks there... He's got me worried sick, I tell you ;-;

    OH MAN YOU JUST SAW IT? hhhnng <3

    Possible spoiler but fuck it. This isn't the end of Yang. It's a trilogy. Start with the 4th season finale, just do eet~
    ROW ROW THREESOME POWA too much anime Typh! D:

    Uh-uh. See they were in the cheif's office to help Jules with stuff and Lassie spots someone (the muffin lady) he's all "D8 DUCK!" And Shawn, Gus, and Lassiter zip down till she leaves. "It's the muffin lady. ...What? I owe her 89 cents D:< ...well that and I kinda made out with her at last year's picnic..." And then later, the exact same thing happens (but Lassie has to drag both of them down with him. It's funnier than it sounds x3) and Shawn's like "That's a dude!" and Gus mutters, "That must've been some crazy picnic D:" So. Maybe/maybe not? *shot*

    Y'know it might be from there o: Cause he looks really young (Okay RSL is always young but it's his stupid eyes)

    ...House wants to see Wilson's 'preformance.' c: Or he bought it to laugh at lines like: "Be not afraid. The forest nymphs taught me how to love a woman." Antler!Wilson is foreverwin <3

    Bad news: you know my badass pirate uncle from Maine? He's sick, might need dialysis.

    ....;-; I mean, we sorta figured and we regularly joked around about our ~impending unability to eat well~ cause of our respective probelms, but now? Now I feel sick.

    Okay but if Mister Tim Omundson hates us forever for getting him into TVTropes and ruining his free time, it's all your fault. Deal? Okay then. Now tell me if this Twitter thing is free >|
    Burn Notice is farking awesome and you know it D: All right the-THREESOME THREESOME~!

    Magical persuasion powers? o: I want them, I've only gotten you to watch Monk and I wanna try them on someone else. But they be broken. And I got a Jirachi on Platnium cause of the download thingy c: Yes.

    Haha. That...that wins dearly :D I think they're making Lassie gheyer (apperently he once made out with a guy. That was /some/ crazy picnic-*shot*) but now my gaydar no go ping :c I can sense slash, sure bu-yeah x3 House-wise, did you know Wilson was in a porno? o: As a wood nymph?
    Is this absolutely hilarious y/n? (He was hyperventilating once House found it. "Th-th-that's not me! D8" RSL stop being so cuuute~ It's the stupid shiny eyes I tell you ;-;)

    No clue, cheri~ Maybe the site'll give me something, I'll try going there soon enough.

    And to end this, uhhh I had what is either an incredibly cruel plan or an awesome one. Since I remebered that A) Lassie has a Twitter and B) the actor writes in character and alla that and C) There is a TVTropes page on Psych...I am seriously thinking of joining and linking him to TVTropes D: What an evil plan, I should cut back on the Dr. Horrible, huh?
    1) No, on the 22th July, year 2000.
    2) Well, she likes my mother the best :D
    4) That's...disturbing.....what do you mean wearing boxers?
    Hey, Mercedes, anything new?

    My Kitty sat on me :3
    She's 9 years old- her birthday is 22/7/2000.

    And yesterday my friend came by for an hour- funnily enough, she charged towards him and asked him to pet her, which is funny, since she despises 'Strangers'(people who she doesn't meet daily).
    I know have the sudden urge to yell out 'threesome!'.

    I dunno if Dexter's there. I dunno if Psych's there this year either. They /may/ be May. but Burn Notice was there last year.

    And if you go, take pictures~ Show me or something. My folks are that awesome too, but a) money, we are low on it and b) transportation, we has none.

    BUT! there is one thing. It might be over now (it probably is who'm I kiddun ;-;) but there's this play. Exitinction. James is in it, and Micheal Weston (the actor guy, not the character. Cloudy... With a Chance of Murder. He was Hornstock.) and ffffuuu it's in New York. Veryvery close to Jersey. hhnnnggg.

    i have a newfound love for Lugia's Song. <3
    ..You has a waifu? When did you get a wife? o: Boxer wedding. Ring pops are damn tasty, get the blue ones. Or red. ...Red Oni Blue Oni? x3 Can you still see TVTropes over thar? Or is it blocked?

    It isss hence my crazy ass fangirling over it. I mean they went to frikking Comic-Con. Comic-Con. How geeky is that? I could've met them~ ;-; But if I did I would probably be all '...aghkksakskaholyshitmanyouguysarecomicnerdstoo?mylifeiscompletefffuuu*dies* Although parts of the season finale broke my brain. x.x

    Also Typh watched Pokermans 2000. I can't believe I still remember that. And I still squeed. Ahh, nostalgia. I am just a big ol' girl watching old!Pokemon and I admit that with manly pride. Manly fuckin' pride.
    *makes a high five*

    Well, my little bro is still sick, and i might get sick again...

    Im at my grandparent's right now, and i ate way too much food...

    *gulps down soup*
    Yea, well, however stupid that might sound, I acctualy felt great the day after posting...T.T

    So you are sick? Well, feel well.

    "D: I hope you get better soon."


    Except that a) James-boy directed it, and he did better than I though, the epic bastard and b) Buzz lives! He got injured but since they said someone dies, I was all 'nononon Not my McNab nononono aaaaaa fuck get up oh man he's fine'. Not anyone in core cast but you'd tear up a bit. and c) New eps? Start in summer. Like, late summer. This is good because you can watch all of season four + Hitchcock season finale and catch up, but may only see a new ep or two, if that. :c Also I checked out the PsychWrites account on Twitter, and there is a video of 'season five sutf!!!!" from our writerfiends. It's actually a rickroll. Sorta. with a Miley Cyrus song. My respect for them just shot up, somehow C:

    ...I want your school. Grinding....? Pedobear uh-oh D: *shot* Sick!Mercy is no good. *pets you*

    Newspaper? Oh man, you should've brought tea/kawfee and drunk some while reading it. xD

    I remeber the whole quote now~ "We're in this together. You and me. We're Shassie now. C:. Or Sharlton. Or Spenciter."
    Annnd I'm watching Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing now, after remebering the ep title, watching that Criminal Minds ep with Tim Om-nom-nom (fandom calls the dude this. I grinned hard x3) basically thinking that over and over (he sniped peope. Dark!Lass, anyone?) and knowing that Lass wears one of Shawn's shirts.

    ...yeah I lied that finale did not help squeeing matters :c
    ....holy :D

    Okay I'll stop squeeing over Psych related things after the Alfred Hitchcock tribute/season finale I swear to tea or something


    something epic did just happen

    Shawn acknowladges Shassie. As in, he says it.

    See in this ep, Lassie and Shawn kinda switch places, Shawn doing actual police work (bit way less of a hardass) and Lassie going with his gut (but incredibly raaage-y. Jules threatened to shoot him at one point ("Carlton, If you say 'invitation to shut it again, I'm gonna shoot you :|" Guess what happens later. "Wow...Wooooow. *shakes head and walks away* D:")) and Shawn approves immensely on Lassie following his gut, it makes him free. AND THEN:

    "We're in this together. You and me. We're Shassie now. C:. Or Sharlton. Or...(there was another one in here but I couldn't heear it.)"

    oh fuck they know. Writers, you crafty beasts 8D Also Sharlton...haha. It's like the're giving us more shippy names, and I can go with that.

    eta: oh fuck oh fuck goddamnit ausiello. I'm not spoiling it but good god no finale why you do this?
    *Sends Kenny to poke Mercedes*

    Hey, what's up?
    It's been long since we last chatted, so I thought I might just as well send you a message.

    Talknig about feelings, Im quite sick right now- my stomach hurts, im constantly puking, and I feel horrible.

    ..And I didn't get to sleep for over 20 hours because of this stupid virus. T.T
    My whole family is infected...
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