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  • OTL really sorry about that. SUBJECT SUBJECT.

    ummm. damnit chris why do you assume i can draw manga. As a joke dare he made me draw the doctor all...bishonnen and anime-y. wat i didn't do it. i fail at drawing do you not see

    things to watch. *scriblles down*

    ...D: d'awwww that must...d'awwwww.
    Oh. you can do that so young? I see.


    Yus. ...fff I FORGOT D: o rly?

    Also I'm actually putting my giantarse ollection of icons to use. I think I has a Lassie one o:

    and you don't want that

    ...*deflates* Yup, this is why i'm asexual for now.

    I am very sorry to hear that D: But...is he you age, if so how-?!

    I WHAT EW. KAI SAID THE SAME THING. *scrubs self down* I don't wanna be a good person! DDD: ewewewewewew

    I just finished watching Dirty Jobs. He visited Alaska o:

    ...you guys have a lotta reindeer.
    Yes. >:D Even though it wouldn't be fluffy at all but who cares.

    I'd do the same. in fact I plan to once I'm done watching Conquer of Shamballa (the ending to the FMA anime). Also, my older cousins should never buy any animation again D: It's prolly the store's fault but. They were this close to renting Neon Genisi Evalglion. That would fuck the boy up so hard ; ;

    ..that's sweet, actually. Despite my stances on love (think nonexistant asfsf. Why do i only crush on fictional characters?! D:) it's wonderful that you have someone for ya. and hey, I'm always here! :'D
    Yus >:D Either that or House is Straight Gay.
    Unfortunately Wilson hooked up with the lady in the end ): Aw well, the immense Ho Yay was so worth it.

    oic o:

    psfffft Wensday! new Psych~!)
    (Yessss~ Actually flamboyant!House and normal!House...are not that far apart in terms of personality o:

    oic. Why? Some scolarship or soemthing? :D)
    (*tears of joy* FRIEND! :D

    Nice~ o: you're OLD. HA-*shot*

    OH! I just remebered! The day you left, there was a House ep, right? Annnddd:

    In season six, episode ten, Wilson's neighbor in their apartment complex thinks Wilson and House are a gay couple. After Wilson has no success flirting with her, House attempts to get her drunk and convince her that he and Wilson are having relationship problems as part of a plot to get into her pants. In order to foil this plot, Wilson follows the two into a fancy resturaunt, then publicly and dramatically professes his love for House before falling onto one knee and proposing to him; all in the name of foiling his plot.

    fffffff. I fangasmed D: How did I miss him proposing thouughhh. I had to turn off the kitchen, I left tea broiling ;-; I did hear however:

    "I will not hide it anymore...I love this man!" <3

    Also. JOIN THE SFARI ZONE [/hynotizingyoutogotomyarea])

    ...hookhand? D: You'll get one of those, y'know. *squawk* Aw crap. When do you think we'll be able to turn back?

    I never got how turning into a bird could be so painless...I mean, assuming the feathers don't grow on you, wouldn't they kinda burst frok the skin? And look at a bird. Look at a human. the cruching oh god DDD8
    Hurrhurr sorry x3 Mind on report so. Even if it's not very hard.

    I don;t know. All I know is, you're slowly trning into a pirate, while I'm slowly turning into a parrot.

    ...can we trade? I suspect growing feathers from fingers is really gonna hurt D':
    What D: No, I didn't get work over Winter Break, I'm back n school right no-oh thaaat's what you meant.

    asghash it wasn't me! D: *looks down at hands* Well, at least they're *squawk* not turning into *chirp* feathers...
    Haha~ Can't do it now, though. Science fair report is long >:

    Okay, so we both agree on that point. You don't have a sudden craving for limes lately, have you? o:
    :'D weekend! Full episodes are around the net somewhere amirite?

    That would make you a pirate..which..would make me-OH COME ON. I don't want to be his parrot! D:<
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