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  • ooh! load it in a crossbow! :'D

    All of mine are like that. Dx much?

    ...a Psych video game. I hate you so much D:

    Pirate Lassie? not too sure how'd he'd feel about that XD

    you did this to yoursel-I'M ON SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED [/jazzhands]

    Hell yeah he doesn't. Now if this ties in with the one where he's a video game protoganist... o: Win.

    Ahoy laddies!

    Mostly only on my forehead and nosey. It's not a bother for me, but damn if they aren't painful x: asghshs oh you <3

    Oh yesssss >:D
    Little Miss...on Acid? *shot*

    do it *drools* o rly? C: remember that WMG I told you about? There's a House one I added to, as well.

    I can see why~
    oh waaait that's the spoooon one! D: hurrhurr vision fail.

    no, a spoon close to fire. Anyway, I had to pose like that for the science fair.

    wut x3 Typh is kinda pimply and has really thick eyebroows (i like them though :c although the unibrow that's kinda growing there feels funny) but I guess she looks okay. now if only i had my hat.
    Leetle Mees Peenoot o: *picks you up* I should stop doing that but yeaaaah.

    awww D: Make sure you get your canoliiiis. this also means i have to spam you with awesome links before you go-*shot*

    Living in the middle of nowhere? do want.
    That's possible?? pffft o:

    just a candle....in the hallway. And I was borderline burning a lemon. science experiment; acids and bases + fire = lolwut. I'll show you someday! Maybe before you go back to school :D

    ohai mr. peanut 8D

    there arealways fireworks in the day here. at leats the noise.
    ...*touch* 8D

    Your hair really is awesome, at least from what I've seen in the pictures thread C:
    *gives you monocle* :D?

    There is always a reason for fireworks. ASPLOSIONS
    Pretty much :'D

    Okay what else um. Me and my hat. >:D *shot*

    Ooohh, what's yours? Are you a Time Lord? o: If not you can be my companion, if you are...well, you can still be my companion. Let's be badass together!
    Doo eet~ So far; Lassie and his gun(pffft reading the Wilsd Mass Guessing theories of every show I regularly watched, a new Psych one: Lassie is a /k/ommando. I checked what board on 4chan that would be. Answer? Weapons. :D?), House and his cane, Wilsy and his tie, annnd Shawn and his pineapple, along with Janitor's knifewrench.
    Hmm...OH. Luigi and his knives :'D
    okayso. House's cane is obviously his TARDIS, and Wilson's tie is his.

    ....and now I'm wondering if every character ever is a Time Lord(I blame this Psych Wild Mass Guessing I saw; ohshithe'sthedoctor'scompanionOR...). OKAY QUICK IDEAS SO The Janitor's knifewrench would probably be his TARDIS...unless...the HOSPITAL okay i'll stop if you want me to

    "I have seen the Timecock! And you can see it too, Donna Noble. Yes you can."

    best.speech.EVER y/y?
    Where are Chase's awesome Doktah powers? HIS HAIR IS HIS TARDIS! No wonder House comments on it so much! :DDD

    Unlesss....ohgodallofthedoctorsaretimelords WIN

    Hostage time, hostage time, every time is hostage time~

    OH! on the same lj group, there's a Repo/Doktah crossover, itt: they sing "Zydrate Anatomy." I FIND NOW.

    but in the meantime, amuse yourself (or not, iunno. I kinda found it funny x3) with this
    you are a pirate! YUS

    ...oh hell yeah.

    'where's the ring?"


    'ohshitohshit i forgot. QUICK PULL A BLAZING SADDLE"

    '*aims at head' help! D:
    ''hush you''

    ''...what. you're pointing with your finger-"


    "YOU DIE *gets the fuck out of there*

    This is a suitable plan |D

    ...okay that is just asking for a CSIMiami reference...YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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