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  • ...*sniff* I am now inspired to do that one day.

    We will need...a crapload of money. Unfortunately Typh is a Big Eater. How am I so liiight I don't even ruuun what is the blashphemy.

    I know, right? He's prolly...19, 20 years old then, iunno x3 Imagine Wilson looking even more boyish and shorthen him down a bit. There we go :'D

    It is. But my favorite, besides Luna Dial, would be the first one. Note that after a while, around 2:06, it becomes immposible to play by hand. Think about that for a minute.

    You would need extra limbs to play that correctly. And a crapload of skill.
    We may just have an event here. Quickly, write this down o:

    Because Typh are poor. (psst also because it costs us 15 dollars monthly to buy a channel wtf)

    ...it is now my life's mission to find this cafe and live there. Yes.

    Oh, you should! :D looklook

    he looks just like today, seriously. Just shorter is all o:

    Oh, that's just the classical version. The normal version of Luna Dial? It's a rock mix. Yes.
    Good point. We will dress them up in body armor o:

    Psssh, if that makes you sound like a machosist, then what the hell am I x3

    ...now I really want that SyFy channel arrgggh *shakes fist*

    Cafe Diem...?

    Why does this remind me of Dead Poets Society? Ever seen that movie? (young!Wilson fffff~)

    There are more. Way more. :'D
    And it's so saucy ;w;

    Drunk dancin. This should be a sport or something pfftwahaha.

    Yes. yes we do o:

    Wooo! Go Papa! 8D Pavi just became adorible WHAT IS THIS.

    orly? I've never watched Heroes o: It's on my eventual to-do list, next to "perfect evil laugh." ...you mean this Eureka. I want my SyFy channel ; ; And my BBC, my Doctor Who geekerdom is growing.
    Growing, I say.

    Oh! And a slight obsession with Touhou music. You don't even have to know what the ame's about, just listen to these ;A;
    Massive fucking amounts of WIN :D

    I got to see my babby cousin again! Aww, he's grown. Not so babbyish any moar, now he's four.

    See, the night started out pretty normalish (except for having pizza for dinner. Aunt's pizza. It has been described by older cousins as "mozzerella orgy on pizza crust."
    They were right *shot* Arggh extra cheese wannnt~

    Then the adults got kinda drunk, which is hilarious. They do silly drunk people things.
    Also note to self: GET COMCAST. I mean ppffft they have Doctor Who. And Monk. And Psych! Which I did get to see :'D Fall season finale ahahah. I even noticed stuff I missed the first time around, like where Shawn actually lives and the fact that Lassie wasn't wearing a tie.

    And then we went home cause it was one in the morning. Got home at three.

    brb sleeping forever

    edit: thiswins
    (Argh, need to watch that.

    ...hell. i'm goijng with Gus. WHAT BLASPHEMY IS THIS *snaps*
    They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa~ Love that song, so...appropiate.)
    1. House (House MD)
    2. Lassie (Psych)
    3. Wilson (House)
    4. ?? (hint: sugestions would <3)
    5. Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
    6. Riza Hawkeye (FMA)
    7. Edward Elric (FMA)
    8. Pavi (Repo!)
    9. Shawn (Psych)
    10. Janitor (Scrubs)


    I've gone insane and am doing a crack pairing meme

    It will somehow involve snogging since even though I haven't seen the questions yet, the 10 charater list is primarily guys

    (Yes. Yes it does. I was sitting close to the tv and...well, that was my reaction. "wut." Then a headdesk. Apperently scrap drawing paper sricks to your forehead easily (iirc, I was doodling Mythbuster stuff- I had it on the brain around that time.)

    Ohohoho, you did. Crowning Moment of Funny much? :'D)

    ..actually, that's what they used. glitter Glue. let me say thos once aain: They used glitter glue and poured it on the actor for profit. And the sparkles? If you are ever forced to watch the movie (like I was....LIBRARYYY), listen closely.the sparkles make a sparly noise the fuck.aaaa TVTropes, you and your random tidbits. *strokes website*)
    ...Okay, probably a no.

    *pats Lassie's back*Wanna get back to the car? >:

    (Theey are the closes thing I \can get to top hats.

    Buy monocle to go along with this y/y?)
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