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  • What? I gave you a gun, that was the present. Tried to make you get over your fear too...although seeing how ticked off you are maaaybe getting you said gun was a bad idea. *continues running*

    (..okay, that's it. brb travelling to Alaska.)
    *leads him to a field full of snowglobes* Almost...okay, there!
    *places a new gun in Lassie's hand* Can you guess? :D

    (They taste like actual cake, realy o: Consistency of pound cake.)
    8D *takes* Thanks!

    ...well, now I have you give you mine, then.
    *takes off Lassie's tie and wraps it around his eyes before he can do anything*I have to keep it a seret till we get there o:


    What. Peanut? I must know more of this phenominon.

    Also pancakes. I have them. <3)
    Well, it had a purpose. That wasn't the entire gift.

    (Because of the bubbles.

    I know :D Sometimes, they can't use the canonns, but cops go outside and basiuically fire in the dirt.

    A funny thing happened a few minutes ao x3 I was walking by my room where Mom was watching this Chrismas Special thing. About people who do weird stuff for Chirstmas. At one point they said "He's not the only eccentric in California." or something like that.

    ..it's prolly kinda sad that I immediately went, "Who looks good in jeans? :'D")
    ..Good point. But you gotta loosen up a little, Lassie! It's bad for your health,, you know >:

    (Thansk, Mercy. I had a cup of tea.

    After reading that? It went through my nose Dx

    I smell lemons x3)
    Yup. orrr, find a cat and a pineapple and yeaaah sorry xD

    That's not all of it~ In the song Champange, Vanessa sings something along the lines of "how could I repay you?" and Usnavi, holding said bottle and trying to open it sings, "How do you get this gold shit off?"

    And watching it on stage...best present everrrr.
    DO IT

    AND GIVE IT A TIE *shot*

    Yesss, and raps for the talent show (I missed that argh WANT SO MUCH)

    But yeah, this musical is so epic. Presicely "96,00" just for the line 'Shut up, go home, and pull yer damn pants up!"

    I rolled in snow today :'D

    recisely. If you et to the Season Six premire, you prolly will squee, if you heard any of the below songs. Mainly because Lin-Manuel (the writer of the musical/Usnavi, main character guy) plays pretty much the same guy as Alvie so yeah.
    Ahhhh-ow. That's a lot x: I think I hae a harder job. i recently got into FullMetalAlchemist and welll...there are 102 chapters of manga. *dies*

    Pfftt any of these will do 8D
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