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  • ...*whistles a pirate-y tune*

    Note to self: in order to get out of any situation, any at all, hold yourself hostage. :'D

    *hi-fives you pretty damn hard*
    What does your dad do on said boat anyhow? o:

    b-but i wanted to try out my spidey powers D':

    Maybe. Also I don't know how this is relevent.


    i almost made a Blazing Saddles reference today. See, we were talking about Pokemon (well, Chris and I were - everyone else was borderline being all 'shahaha that's for babies') annnd he said he couldn't get any badges on his new Platnium because fff Roarrrk.

    You can see where this is going xD I didn't though becaise no one would get it, or most references to movies made before the 2000's. my class is uncultured ):
    ....pfffftwahahahah. Genius.

    what! dowantdowant *drools* MAKE SOME. and hold one close to your screen. I will attempt to jump the fuck over there.

    ...*runs off* to YouTube! awaaaay
    On a boat? YOU'RE ON A BOAT, MOTHERFUCKER~ i am so sorry.

    I will start you off with some alfajores. they're like cookies, really brittle ones, with this almost caremelly kinda thing in em. and covered with sugar, look like this. I bought some today~

    Oh and. I have "La Vie Boheme A" stuck in my head.

    o: Do it. Me being a ninja pirate will never happen, Rent live? Probably. GO.

    I can only wonder what that would do in real ife.

    ...ohshitthesugarrushes. They would be LEGENDARY
    *looks down*

    ...i already dress like a hobo. I'M THERE

    Niiice. there's a Crowning Music of Awesome page for Pheonix Wright :'D

    actually now that I think about it

    it makes a lot of sense

    Yes, they do. GOGO 50+ REVIVE. That's around the point where I be screwed D: but right now, I'm trying to get everyone to at least level 57 before I try again.
    eh,when i'm bored i either draw. Or sleep. OR TCoD. lol lame *shot*

    there are orchestra versions ;w;

    o rly? I rely on Pieta (Female Torterra), Lassie (argh-I-thought-he-was-a-girl-thus-name Houndoom) and Malwalkie (lolwut ender Porygon) the most. And they always die ; ;
    you poor, poor thing. BOOREEEDOOOMMM*shakes fist*

    that music why is it so awesome. Especially Announce the Truth. <3

    hurrhurrr i'm getting screwed over by the Leet Four. eh. My fault for fihting them with level 50's. I always get to Cynthia, though.
    uhhh reality is unrealistic? :'D

    I have. Way better now, but that's why I wasn't on pretty much all day. I has class soon. Like...the fourth. ; ;
    Okay, that's good o: Hope not. A science teach of mine once had a story on how he did get sulphric acid on him. Giant hole in his leans, but he was fine.

    Haha, knew you'd like that. Meanwhile, typh is starving off a migrane. Dx
    ...oh god. Are you okay? D:

    Waitwait, sulfuric acid? How'd you get sulphuric acid? Arggghhh get to an emergency room if you haven't alreadyyyyy you need a chemical bath
    Yes ; ;

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA *shootshootshoot*

    ...medeecare can help with yer diabeetussssss

    I know. And he has epic Ho Yay with the Spy (SPAH. HE SAPPING MAH SENTRY)

    It's DARK. Next's year split up the 00's. The ones we've knows for ten years. ; ;

    Awwww *pets in* Don't worry little guuuuuuuuuuy
    Bear eyes are hand and platic-y. My circle scar's one now.

    ohhhh that sounds...kinda oww cause eah. I have a squigly scar on my fingertip, and it shows up and leaves. and comes back. lolwhut.

    okay i have an idea. let's get toys and shit that tastes like diabetes, and FIRE AT THEM.



    ...*thinks of TF2* NO BAD TYPH. Seriously it's so fuuun to play as Pyro. You can burn shiiiit

    But my favorite class would be Sniper, or Snoipah. He goes into great lengh into the art of assainating. In his spare time he throws jars of piss at people. which puts out fire.
    Typh is a klutz. Hurrr. See these scars? They involve getting hit with a bear. A teddy bear.

    ...shut it clumsy 'member? >>

    ...you are the best partner ever o: *grabs gun* Can it be now? >:D

    aaaa don't watch the movie aaaaa D':

    Wouldn't the spider just eat us? Then I'd have to shoot it. In the face.

    Hell yeah. *takes out troll fishing pole* onowait
    I'LL DO IT *picks you up*

    Cops? :D!

    ...waitwait does this mean I get to wear suspenders and a gun holster like Lassie? o:

    Yeah, but building up to this...let's not say I didn't warn you about the ending. ; ;

    I have a solution! Let's teach a spider to-*sniped before she finishes*


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