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  • aaaaaa the season six premire, you should watch that really soon. Especially since it has Alvie. I blame my newfound obsession with In the Heights. Ever heard of it? arrrgh the music is awesome and Iwas lucky enough to watch it last year for my birthday, and when I did see the premire I was all "Wait..is-is tha-USNAVI! 8D This is going to be so awesome~"
    Mercy! I tried eggnog.

    ...ewwwww :c. Sorry, not much my taste, way too sweet. Bad for stomaching in a car, but slipping some in hot chocolate's pretty awesome C:

    Also Typh!drawings OH NO. Okay, just promise not to laugh at a Scout!Shawn running around with a Liitle Boy Cat on his head, hyped on on Pineapple-flavored BONK! atomic Punch, Demomna!Gus being really,really freaked out by the sticky bombs he needs, and Sniper!Lassie trying to snipe Scouty Shawn in the back o-I MEAN TESTING OUT THE NEW FRIENDLY FIRE. Also considering I sometimes go through the Trope page for Psych (IT'S OFFICIAL I'VE LOST IT AAA) and There is a Becoming the Mask entry for Jules...She's the Spy with a watch Invisibility Cloak.

    ....okay so maybe that
    s a bit funny. And there's a McNab!Medic and maybe a Henry!Engineer. i'll try and find one for Cheif Vick too. Ahhhh, ArtMo C:)
    (Nah, Science teacher does. A post comment gives you extra credit :D

    :'D Awwww. Also you know when I told you about the Psych/TF2 pic thing?

    ....well I wasn't kidding. I only got down to the chibi parts right now, profiles (which is to say waaay more detailed Scout!Shawn for example) will be done...well, I'll try and get them done befoee you go back to school since Typh is a lazy butt.

    Well yeah. But you would scar SOMEONE woman. ...altohugh if I knew you were only gonna do that and got the reference, the Cat grin my face would form would make it impposible to get a mask on me/ Typh has high cheekbones kindsa. Mom's fault xD)
    (I will.

    I remeber. And in Season 4 we have:

    One in Indian (Bollywood Homicide)

    And one sung by Boyz II Men (...I forgot the name but Gus was in an accepella and there was a lot of singing and the accompaning Psych out never fails to make me smile.)

    BUT ALIENS ALIENS. And I referenced Doctor Who in a blog post for extra credit (THE MAN IN THE POLICE BOX STOLE MY HOMEWORK)

    I would crap my pants D: Even- no especially- if it was you doing the slicing.)
    (Beepbeep disconbobulated shoulder Dx

    xD My cousins overdo the pelvic thrust part so whenever anyone walks in they're all like "OH GOD I'LL LEAVE."


    Also. My spanish homework is to translate song lyrics. Has to be apprpriate for school otherwise all bets are off.

    THE DOCTOR WHO THEME HAS LYRICS. I was really thinking of doing "I know you know" but there is a chance of me being able to at least pull out the first two lyrics in something (*shot*) but tell me.

    When else can I sing a song in Spanish about space aliens for a grade
    (I AM LOVED *dies of shoulder pain*

    It just popped in. I was all like "Yes finally got one of these things, a guy too now what to-LET'S DO THE TIME WARP OF COURSE

    Aaaand now I want one for my ASB account. I'll add it to my Wishlist :'D
    "Don't worry, Jules. I'll crack your case like an egg. Then we'll make omelets with shallots... and JUSTICE."
    Seesee furthering the whole Shawn-is-Pheonix-thing.
    Yeah xD I named my Croagunk Rocky, because Ability? Anticipation. And it SHUDDERS.

    ...I see you shiver in antici......PATION*shot*

    "I can't spend the night in the museum. I don't have my toothbrush, I don't have my multi-vitamins, and oh yeah, I don't want my soul suffering eternal damnation for disrupting the sleep of an Egyptian canal digger. D:<"
    (:D whooo~

    THE HORROR AAAAAAAAAAAAA but um...Psych? x3

    Yes, a JD fantasy. It cold be worse, the "Think!" song from Jepordy could be playing. (You've heard it right? Doo Doo Doo Doo Dooooo...DooodooodooodooDoo!doodoodoododoodoo..)
    (That sucks Dx

    I thnk Twix bars stuck in a bagie next to mint bubble gum taste like Chrismas. The mint taste rubs off, I swear.

    Yes, yes it would. *daydreams*
    ...*pops daydream before we et sucked into a JDish fantasy*)

    ... ; ; What.

    What does it even taste like, Typh drinks tea like a police officer...or...some other coffee-yeah, I should leave the metaphors to House, huh?

    Blue afro?

    ....oh wow. :D)
    (A Giant No would be in order. And crying. Very girly crying.

    YESSSS it will. So much <3

    aaaa christmas. Ever hear the BareNaked Ladies Version of Jingle Bells? Seriously, the beginning ewas all peacful and I was settling down for a tea fueled nap...then the fast part is all WHAM leaving a very WHAT-ish Typh.

    Annnnd I'm reading fanfics. Shassie fancfics. That involve the holidays

    OH NO! I'm getting into the spirit of money-mas Dx)
    (Hell yeah I do. And get to be all quirkyyy....so no difference *shot*

    BNutbut...Friday Death Slot. Shows on Fridays sometimes get canceled waaay faster than any tohers ;-;)
    (Pretty much. He found his true calling and all.

    ...but if Disher's a cheif in Jersey then... :D!
    Pffft, you are totally a Shawn. It makes sense, you with your...Shawn..ness.
    What D: I'm that quick to anger? ...yeah, yeah I am. Me + Gun = >:D

    Yes. Which would mean I have to be all "D:<" around you and be all competative and...stuff. And wear a gun holdster.

    ffff what's wrong with me D:

    I'm thinking of drawing the Psych crew (OH NEW EPS. umm...Jan. 27 so sorry D': But there will be a Fifth season! :D AND it's off the Friday DeathSlot so~
    Also the comercial was just...what I would give to see that again that was awesome xD) as TF2 classes. Yes/Yes/Fuck Yes/Get Help, Typh./No, really.
    (It was still so sweet though. Way better then what I *thought* would happen.

    Pfft, I invited Chris over yesterday and he accepted. We were goofing around on the computer, and got on the Psych website.

    Then I remember there was a "Are you Shawn or Gus?" quiz on it.


    Oh man. that wins. Now if only I could do that with Mom. xD
    Although we do watch Mystery Diagnosis together C:

    Also I'm kinda a Gus. ...? o:
    Teeny tiny little leprechaun. aggffafgf
    Also apparently Chris = Shawn (not far off at all, trust me. Glasses!Kid!Shawn. What,) Patrick = Gus ("AW HELL NO!!" and just...he is. So much~) And Me = Female!Lassie. (Waitwaitwait what does this mean)
    I have to show you something. It's importa-*remembers we don't have a TV*
    ..*facepalms* Dx
    *pulls a TV, a power supply, a copy of Luck if the Irish, and a VHS/DVD player from thin air*

    ....Okay, what. How did you-

    *pulls down TF2 Spy Mask and Ivisi-Watch* No idea. *poofinvisible* 8D

    (Take care of fishyyyyyyy

    Edit: MONK. T-The finale...it was the sweetest thing ever ;w;
    Can't elaborate on it more for risk of spoilering, buttt....Monk lives 8'D)
    (Never ever ever. AND he would find a way to shrink him (you gotta defeat em or something.) and carry him around in his pocket or something x3

    :DDD I'll show ya! *grabs by tie and drags* c'mon!

    *e-mails you a live salmon* onowait.

    Nice :D)
    (oh. aaaaaaaaaaa

    Pssh, you should. It's a Disney movie so your brian'll melt with 'what' ness butbutbut.

    Leprechaun. Lassie as a leprechaun. Shawn would find that one part 'holy crapwhy didn't I notice that before," two parts "TELL ME WHERE YOUR POT OF GOLD IS." and threee parts 'I will never let you live it down >:D"

    ..*tackles Lassie* POT OF GOLD. WHEERE 8D

    asgfgfg. That sounds adorible. Accents as a whole yaaay. Apperently I have a Jersey accent, slightly.

    Just had dinner. onmonmonmon friend salmon.)
    (Maybe. Maybe she does.

    But I think Henry's busy dining with her x3

    aaaaaaa *hugs* japanese help.

    Also, field trip woowoo

    Remeber that kid I told you about? Chris? Psych fan? Yeah, on the bus, a convo about Irish people (he's part Irish) led to the inetible:

    Chris: Ehhh, we don't do much on Saint Patrick's Day. Just kill our brians wtih Irish movies, I guess.
    Me: ...liiiike Luck of the Irish?
    Chris: Yeah, I've seen that o:
    Me: ...*snickers* Uhhh, remeber the bad guy? Seamus McAllister or something?
    C: Yup.
    M: Search your brain. He looks familiar. Like whooo >D
    C: ...uhhh.
    M: Here's a hint: PSYCH.
    C: OH CRAP. Does this mean Lassie has the bility to be really tiny now o:
    M: I don't know. ...the writers should explore th-WAIT. Irish-Americans had that...and Lassie's. AND YOU ARE OKAY WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR POT OF GOLD.
    *bus stops*
    C: olookwebeherebye *runs off*
    ...xD Then we got into his maical Irish jig powers. Huh boy~)



    ...exactly our plan. summed up in three sentences.

    ...this is where my attraction of pineapples come from officer?

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