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  • (AW CRUD

    See Typh had a half day and I took a nap.

    And cause of school I have a song in my brain.

    The song? Jizzed in my Pants.

    try sleeping with that in your brain D8)
    *phew* That's a relief.

    ...miiind letting go of my collar D: *kinda...flails in the air thar*

    (AAA FORA WENT BOOM *jumps into your lap* D8

    In the meantime I've been reading up on Team Fortress 2. WANT. VERY BADLY.

    :D! Well, that's nice. Sooo you're not gonna murder me in cold blood?

    (Then again..if you were a badass old person that could deflect meteors with your cane...*sigh* |D

    OH WOW 8D McFlurries...I gotta get my hands on anotherone of them Oreo ones *drool* Meanwhile I have Nutella. Which is win in itself (chocoloate in a jar with hazelnuts~)
    *steps back* Nuh-uh D: psychic remember?

    (Yeah, I know. Like, last week, we had science, right? Mr. O'D showed us that there was a chance that in 2028 this giant meteor ould hit the earth. Mile long. Keep in mind that something the size of a footbal field would screw us over. So mile long?
    Would wipe out all life within a year. D8

    ...and then we read the tiny little words on the bottom saying that 'don't worry, we'll be fine for another 300 years and even then the chances are low. Have fun living a full life! :D" ahahaha oh wow xD
    Although they did report that, but it was a miscalculation, so.
    I still plan on being Crazy Prepared. Now to get a kinfe...)
    (You velcome~)
    ...what's with that smile on your face D: *covers head and contemplates squirming out of his shirt*
    (lucky! D:
    Actually the Mayans didn't go farther than that because of two reasons:
    a) they were wiped out before they *could* and
    b) If they did stop for a reason, it's because civilization was supposed to 'turn over a new leaf' or something. Which prolly won't happen cuase humans are bastards Dx I studied them Mayans.)
    (Really? o: Works fine here, Code's minus starts)
    Ohhh...that kind. :D

    (Only you can find running amazing Mercy D: Typh limps.
    Huh. Haven't seen it. I don't belive anything's gonna *happen* though. You?)
    Ohohoh :D

    Tempt? Suuurely you jest :D Define tempt, Lassie >:3

    Yeah I got it real bad D:)
    Okay. *still doesn't stop because Lassie appears to be irresitably pokeable*
    Yes Lassie smash D: *drags you behind the Captain!Sheild*

    (I know. Gets a giggle out of me. I sympathize, Typh cannot run ever.
    OH btw I ran today. lol i died Dx

    Also damnit. The Colbert Report. I'm watching it agaiin~ o:)
    You suuure?~ *does not cease poking*
    ...see it's a bad sign when I start hiding from things, but. *magially obtains capitan America's sheild* I hope Stephen doesn't mind D:

    (WIN! And he hits on everyone. Everyone, I've seen Shawn/Gus, which makes sense, too. I think Shawn can be read as bi with everything ever making sense/more sense. Really! TVTropes says it too o:

    Also the way he runs. I win.)
    ...Actually, that's kinda pictureable. 'Lo there, Carly~ *pokes*
    ...but he can't...he...uhh....aaaa my brain. It broke Dx
    I don't tihnk...he's a girl, Shawn. Might wanna stop poking him, I'm guessing the Irish!rage isn't too far off.

    (Actually I have seen female!Lassie. With that name. First thing Shawn did?
    Grope 'her'. ahahah wooow xD Granted, that dA artist is a Shassie Shiper (whoo) but yeah.
    Irish rage exists. Why cause I say it does

    And that's what I get from hanging around yooou D:<

    Aw well, let's keep track of this. It can't be that hard of a habit to break.
    That's one! *zing* :D
    ....will Mercy be counted too? o.o'
    ...arright! *throws a black notebook and pen at Lassie's head* :D His job now.
    And I'd kinda be terrified D: Cause out of people most likely to be a one man army. Lassie + Gun = ...ohhhhh crap he better be on our side.

    Yeah it was all slaauurttt and pewww and yeaah :D It has to be outside, though, or else.
    ...no but that would be...strange xD

    The candle shoots out of the bottle and probably landed on the roof or something. All I know is? Never saw the thing after that.

    ...which in itself is another Double Entre oh look what you've started o:

    I filled the bottle of vineagar to the brim and brought out a fuckload of baking soda.

    And stuck in the (unlit and half melted) candle as a cork.

    Guess what happened then :D
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