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  • We have to change for gym. I'm gonna die tommorow aaaa mile run D':

    Yes but I can almost be considered an only chiiilld. My brother goes out a lot, so. And I luve with an elderly person and Mom, thus yeah.

    I read about that. That...is very very awesome xD I woulv'e used them as coin!ammo, but I do that with many tiny thingamebobbers. ike popcorn *cough* @w@
    Yupyup. Compy t-shirt and decent khaki slacks. Anything else is fair game.

    Well, I'm kinda home. Like...always cause Typh has only two friends and can't *find* anything to do until someone drags her out of the house. D:
    AAAA Typh still has to wait for Deceember. Maybe. But there is alot of dramatic wind. And I have taken to wearing overcoats, so *flapflap* :D

    o: WHOOOO good choice. We watched Schnider's List today.

    ...D: "I could've gotten more..." That is all.
    It comes offff D:

    YUS! :DI remeber we made a Ho Yay sign and hold ir up when, well yeah. Comes up with House and Wilson a lot, and ohohoho, do I eeeever expect it to flash during Psych~ >:D
    No, but I have worn (or tried to wear) hats on my chin when I was little. "Wheee I'm Santa! :D"

    ahahah. Yaaay fer Psych quotes. I think one of my cousins got a DVD set, but din't know what to do with it. Annnd sometimesmy cousins come over to kinda sorta MST shows (lol house sets :D).

    ...fun >D

    We had to write letters to the president man and if comes over here we'd be all "!o:"

    Okay, that settles it, any reenactment we do, if ever, I am gonna force Chris to wear a face!wing xDD
    You don't steal the man's uni and live, dude. You just DON'T. xD

    yes ftw~ I remember that Psych ep where Lassie was in a Civil War reenactment xD " Can I borrow your facewig?"
    Heh. I got said idea when I figured to have a Turtwig as a main pokemon- however, I wanted it to evolve, but then again it would be permanent, and I like all the forms(but Turtwig the most). At first, I thought about the Evolution Core RP concept(That they can evolve temporarily), but then someone Tmedron pointed out it's too digimon like.
    Well, Im still stuck with planning the plot. I think I'll send you a quickly written first chapter of the story, which is still quite rough.
    The main problem is I don't like it when chimchar evolves, especially since the platinum sprites appeared.

    I guess the Turtwig idea is original, at least to a certain degree?
    Handball. Courtyand. The balls, they know where you are, I swear. Nearly every guy playing it has gotten groin attack'd by said ball. At least once. It's a little, little ball, too, all rubbery. Oh, and someone found a net of different sized balls, too. HALP THEY'RE GONNA GET MY FACE

    Hell yeah. :D We should give him a sword and see if there are any pirate reenactments round here. xD

    I have a pretty high pain tolerance, except on my fingertips, gaaaah Dx

    Mu uncle has stubble. This is the same one that wears an eye patch (a fishing hook he was throwing back caught him in the retinas. Oh no half blind D: That, however was twenty years ago, and now? MASTAH FISHA) so whooo badass pirate.
    Yeah but you live in school so D: everything's so short here, people too. haha Typh is giant D: and actually 5'5, I measured wrong ^^; But everyone else is like 4'10 at average, so yeah.

    D: Ouuuuch! I have a lot of bites on my bottom, lip, but they, even for a dsomething that's bleeding, don't hurt at all and I do that when I think. I do a lot of things while I think o:

    And being severely grouchy and having a low voice an-
    ...now all I need is a wig and stubble :D
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