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  • YES. *makes you a mask out of a scarf and wraps is aroujnd your eyes* :D?

    ...wrrhhyyyyyyyy *falls to knees*

    Cute? D:

    .....okay it's a little cute, but pffft he doesn't like me that way. He's actually kinda adorible, though. All short and wears these funny little biking glasses.

    He also knows how to hunt and got a bigass crossbow for a birthday present. This is plartially why he's awesome. And he has good taste in TV shows (Lie to Me fan. And Semi-House fan. And like I said, only person besides me that watches (and reallly likes)Psych.)
    Which I will use to fight crime. Maybe install a gun. I need help on that one >:D

    What is this love of which you speak :| ...actually, Typh is very miable once you knoher. I susally am all (after hearing the crapa said afformed Psych fan friend and band geek girl have to go through, and only them) :( D'you need a hug? *opens arms*

    Today was the first day the guy said yes. Mainly because we were in the back of the courtyard and no one can see us (People ship us. It's slightly WHAAAT but funny cause he's short. And awkward again cause *ahem* he's short and I hugged him and yeah.)

    And when the gun goes off, Miss Sweet is ready for surgery~ Surgery~
    There was a MILA that had a guy's dad sprain his ankle. He said "Bring me a cane I wanna pretend I'm House."

    Guess which site I like more :D

    Yesss. Mr. Monk and the End. Two parter. One part in November/December something. the other? DECEMBER/JANUARY.

    This is gonna be biiiig.

    I hate you so much D:
    And addicted to the knife, she needs a little help with the agony~ Agony~!
    Noooo, TVTropes, isn't blocked. It's been added to the list of links of stuff to do now. And half the school knows it, one way, or another. ...I started that. Unintentionally, but still Heheh xD
    :D! I did? Whoo Monk~ aaa recent ep had him get a dog. so saad cause the dog was given up, and the really loved that dog and she was trained to not make a mess and everything and it would be all perfect and ;-;

    Unfortunately TCoDf is blocked, but then again. Seventh graders. Real Life trolls. On TCoD.


    Madness I say o.e One or two are really awesome though, really the only rl friends I have. Dun mind much, though, it's made up with cause one likes Psych :D
    Cause they go bawkbawkbawk and fly and are just amazing. Tell him I sympatize :D

    Unicycle ffff id I didn't have balance problems, I would buy one of those suckers and go out on the town~

    Hahah xD Cool And Unusual Punishment?

    And even the not!quirky teachers are pretty nice, since the Computer Room manager has this page of links we can go to after we be done, right? uhhh I kinda forgot about it xD(why yes I forget things easily, my head's over there thanks for asking o:) annnd ransomly typing websites on Goggle to see what wasn't blocked. TCoD is (D':! Then again, if the annoying sevenths knew where I online lived... *sucks thumb* oxo) but as For TVTropes? nooo. xD And now guess which website was added to the old list. And most visited.

    I can get people hooked on things too, Mercy Dees >=]
    Mmmmm yes.

    xD sorry! Every teacher in seventh has epic win quirks. Like, Mr. Chev not only looks like McNab, but can one hand juggle (and does so during rapid fire quenstion answers on random tidbit facts. It's as distracting as it sounds xD), Mister (nono, DOCTOR, DOCTOR O.O) K. (music) being the equivalent of the Joker here, which would make Mister O'D (science) Superman, and that's just the male teahcers :D

    Fact: Females at Tpyh's schoool are 10% moar everything. Crazy included.
    Yus! Picture McNab with Lassie!ears and a redder nose. And then you have Mr. Chevy. :D

    He's really nice, except aaaa loud roon of seventh graderrs D: (Yeah, I should be in eighth, buuut liverploop when Typh was small. so, advanced class semi makes up for it~) So he has to yell a lot.

    And McNab teaching Social Studies is a very bizzare image indeed xD
    :D That's the one!

    Oh yeah and.

    I have a History Teacher. He looks freakishly like McNab. Like..they be twins~ :D He's as nice as MccNab too, and kinda clumsy too x3
    o: A movie must be built around this concept.

    Lassie would make an epic Godot xD *pokes* C:

    aaaa accidents are the best kind~ Lesse others I can think of...

    Ummm I forget the name xD It's this Disney movie. Now this is a loong time before Typh was a rabid!Psych fan, so. Lassie. Leprechaun. Very ironic looking back on it. xD
    WAIT does this make Lassie Godot? *shot* xD

    Ahhh. If there's a movie with pretty much any tv character I'm familiar with, expect me to try and watch it. HOUSE AS A COCKROACH SCIENTIST. 8D

    Arright so it's Hugh. But mental picture :D
    Mustache? 8D Gamer gogogo~

    Oh yeah, and an older cousin of mine watches Jericho. It's really cool, actually. Amd iin one ep there was a sherrif that tried to take over where the story takes place?

    o hai Lassie with a beard C:

    ...heheh. Sherrif. xD
    And Jersey is not like that. Act like an Itailan round these parts? You won't have a head by the end of the day :v

    It's de media, so x3 I do not ):

    ...*pulls out Oreos* :D
    Thanks. gggg yus. luckylucky Mercy Dees o:

    Cottoneye Joe? o: I rmember that! We played it in Music class once and tried dancing to it. Hoedown whooo~


    Yes like the Planter's Peanuts guy. I know there's an icon around here somewhere, I'll find it eventually.

    Mocha? Ow >: Mercy Dees can dance? Lucky D: Legs of Typh's go clunkclunk screw this *eats dance foodstuffs*
    :D! Yaaaay. Also there's a Shassie comm on lj. I may just have a reason to join now o:


    Yus monacle. Shawn even sorta gave him a nickname thar :D

    *poke* Still have that monocle, Mr. Peanut? >:D

    Pfffftt I'm not gonna make it to Janu-ary. TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY TABLET *thud*
    I totally didn't not draw any slashy fanart.

    At all. Ever. evereverever :|

    And before the Fall Season finale, there was a werewolf ep. "Dee's Nuts? o.o"
    Yay for Lassie wearing a monacle xD

    AND ON A FINAL NOTE auuughh tommorow at school I'm going to be singing "Night Surgeon." Without noticing. YOUR FAULT ;-; and if somehow we ever meet (lolwut) and watch the movie, I'll need a blindfold/tie/anything wrapped around my eyes when the *ahem* Eye Scream comes along. lol Typh is a sissy and paranoia D8

    Well, yeah. And Shawn tells Jules that he loves her. Sorta. In a way.

    ...hey, Shassie fan or not, I still squee'd x3

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