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  • Well yeah. But we only have an eight hour school day and weekends and stuff. So everything else is short, summer's like two months ;-;

    Okay but if you char off skin it's not my fault cause I didn't tell you to do it.

    Yes, yes they do. I now kinda understand why House took so many damn pills Dx At least this way if I ever cosplay as the guy it'll be severly convincing.
    That's the main problem- I usually plan the start and the end, but im stuck with the middle plot. I've got the ideas for how each pokemon gets captured, and I'll tell you if you want.
    Oh. Just in time for Christmas! C: I prolly get the 21 or something, and until New Years.
    Yes lucky scieennncee D': Last week we only had two days in school (teacher conferences + new govener election thing = hell yeah *snore*)

    Sauna? No D: I have however stuck my wrists in very hot water before. After a few minutes of slightly uncomfertable heat (and by which I mean aaaaa D': for most poeple. Typh doesn't feel nheat too much.) it feels awesome~

    I wish I was i n one now though. My leg's cramping again >:
    ARGGGGHHH I thought so D': They always block it no exceptions pfffrrtt. *falls over*

    Uhhhh you go home in five weeks, right? *shot* Sorry Dx

    Ah well >: Welp, I have today off, Veteran's Day. Now if you'll excuse me imma finish this damn science report and try not to die of tried D:
    Uhhh one N D: Everyone gets that wrong. Not a bother, though xD

    YES MECHE(can I call ya that? you're free to mangle my first name as you please, most people do it xD Notory's especially fond of Brish for some reason.)FOR SRS. dA has some weiiird stuff. Like that time I was checking for Psych deviation when I was bored and found them all in cheerleader outfits...then realized that's sorta based on a real picture(not of Psych persay, more like Tim Omundson) o: Craazzy craaazy stuff.
    Did o:

    ..*pokes* xD I maaay be slighty biased. Since on dA there's this House RP (this is as epic as it sounds) I accidentally stumbled upon, first one I found was Lucas. Haha, LupusHyena is fugging awesome C: We pretended to be pirates but kinda fell on the snowglobe I had in my pocket.

    ...OH CRAP I SAID IT *runs*

    *slowly speeds to the ground*
    *looks up* ...?
    (No one can. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE.)

    ):< Just...check your back pocket.

    *snrrrkk* Normal thing. Yup, he does. Iunno, I kinda liked him, a little creepy perhaps *pokes him with a stick* but yeah. What kinda gets me is the whole article on euthanization Wilson wrote. Wut. I didn't know doctors all do it. Aaaaa don't get yerself fired man D:<
    aaaa you're missing a good deal (especially Alvie, who is a psych ward patient that bunked with House. I love him~) but don't worry! :D I will explain!
    Moreover, drugged or not, he should've felt his pants...er..come off xD WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU. he just looks down, like "...oh." Wilsy wearas white boxers C:

    Uhhh...long story...

    *fifteen minutes later*...so apperently you're a bad guy who wants to take over this world after going insane from looking into the Time Stream, I'm the good guy traveling across the universes with companions, and one has to kill the other. Aaannnd check your back pocket D8 *pulls out sonic screwdriver* You have one. It looks like this, but yellow and *grumble*...bigger >>

    Yay! I might send you some general info about how the plot should start if you'd like.

    Im just not sure what you could help me. Any ideas?

    I hoped you might help me with plot development.
    Yep. Trough PM. Right now, im stuck in development and working on it with Ymo's help, so I will (hopefully) send you the first chapter in around 2 weeks. Might take less if I won't have much homework after school.
    Uh... hey, I wondered wether you could do one small favour for me- Im planning to write a story, and Im looking for people who are willing to review it before I post it anywhere.

    Currently, I have Ymedron's(contests= and Zritts'(spelling) help, but that's about everything, so I wondered wether you could run a third check(hopefully originality check.)
    Enemies? What are you talking about? =|

    Omg omg omg! House season 6 is starting? Damn I'm soooo behind. I wasn't able to see all of season 5. But cute! And if that doesn't shout House/Wilson, then I don't know what does. xD
    ! *starts shaking pineapple* How do you activate this thiiing?

    ...hey wait. I don't wanna be mortal enemies with Lassie! D'8

    Uhhh not mortal enemies! Lots of Foe Yay...or Ho Yay :D

    asklasklkl I KNOW.

    O8 O rly? *gets you one then* Everything's Better With Penguins~

    Who the hell doesn't TARDIS yessss.

    See if this works: http://house.wikia.com/wiki/Known_Unknowns :D!

    Awww it was so awesome, Lucas came baaack~ House drugged Wilsy to keep him from thsis spheech about euthanization, right? Annnd then later Wilson wakes up in his bed (haha sleepy Wilsy so cute :3)...pantsless.

    Yesyesyes. Seeing as House and only House knew about the drugging this raises questions xD "Uhhh...yes, hello! Um...I forgot what department I need D:


    Omg.... That's epic and it just... fits.

    Eeee~ I want a penguin plushie! I love penguins! :3 I also want a pineapple that's the TARDIS in disguise~ fwee~
    I know. That's why IT'S MY COOCON MINEMINE *ducks back in there with laptop and Oreos*

    O: WE ARE TWINS. Stuffed penguin. DFlighter. he has to be in the vicinity of the bed, or else aaaaa noooo no sleepy ; ;

    Aha yesss. Me and Chris once where asking random wuiestios, and it led down to a fight between X and Y. And then I went:

    Ummm...Clark Kent versing....Shawn :D

    Chris: Shawn's winning >:D

    Me: Against Superman?...Nice o:

    Chris: Well yeah, I mean. His pineapple is obviously the TARDIS in disguise. Yeah, h'e an incarnation of the Docotr. Just...hair.

    Me: o: WIN. What would that make Lassie?

    Chris:The Master of course. Seachyour feeling. You kno it to be true.


    ....and then I thought of out little car thing and how Lassie's van can go anywhere and xD ...how much the above made sense. The Doctor and Master share Ho Yay~
    Typh is a blanket hog D: On weekends, it's all

    *yawwwn* Numpnump-? Aw fuck. I've wrapped myself into a coccon >:| *squirms*
    Brother Tim: Huh? Wha? Ohhh, better get up. Briana's struggling. Must be noon. *jumps off above bunk and heads to the bathroom without helping cause yeah*

    ...even pineapple? :D *shot* Okayokay I'm sorry. Although that syrup that canned fruit's in is really refreshing~ Peach especially.
    They be comfy. MINE ARE PYJAMAS 8D

    ...sorta xD In any weather I wear a T-shirt and pants for gym. And pyjamas are just the t-shirt and very loose jammie bottoms.

    ...how many levels of blashphemy would I commit if I giggle madly? Cause with the whole me having it and the cussing maybe getting you in trouble and yeaaah x:

    But really, that sounds...kinda funny xD Oh, thay's nothing. I once sat up, shouted something like "THE FRUIT DON'T STAND A CHANCE, MAN. NO PUT DOWN THE FLAMING HORSE." then sat back down.
    8D YAYYYY*places hand on your head*

    Grr..rrraaggh....no D:

    Verbal Tic? o: *shot* xD And I applay everything to *inswert show here* and TVTropes.

    Still a bucket of win~ Well yeah, we're part-time(or full time?) shippers, of course we be out of it.

    Also bleaaugh sanity. That's no fun.
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