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  • ...oh now you tell me :| I can spam you with Touhou music no-*shot*

    D:< nerd. raeg. That was my first thought! and TVTropes agrees, too.

    Cast Incest? o: Damnit TVtropes.

    ...no matter how awesome that would be I'd b'aww like crazy

    Oh waiiiit.

    Lookin at the whole thing, it could be plagarism. Or it couldn't

    The idea is the same, true. But this reop Men thing is more akshun while Reop! was moar uh well musical. The plots are way different, from what I an tell this repo guy is now a repo himself, and that never happened in Repo! Thus. Plagarism but not? iunno, I see i bit of difference, but yeah.
    Garrgghh. At least less people died and stuff? D: yeah see I'm not helping at all.

    Losing his wife and all of that. Also I just noticed something creepy.

    Dex ain't the most stable guy, we know that. He was partially driven to what he was by seeing his mom die and being covered by her blood, iirc.

    Who's betting the same thing'll happen to his poor kid?

    waitwait you can actually see links to YouTube? werll in that case did I mention the beginning is all silent filmish? I love that part <3

    (after hearing that they must dance) That sounds stupid and I refuse to do it :|
    Who spit in your grits? I think it sounds like fun D:

    i can see it now

    a teeny tiny meegit spirit of the ocean or something o:

    I did hear about the earthquake though ...ouch. D:

    my mum's name is rita ironically enoguh ._. fucking trinity D:<

    C: Ohhhh. So /that's/ where that part of the Pineapple Dance came from. I was surfing YouTube like i usually do for music and one of the featured videos was this video.

    Surprisingly, the Hamster Dance + Psych = fitting o:
    Awww man why didn't I save that thiiing D: It was awesome. iirc it was a shassie fic too.

    TWO FOOT TSUNAMI OH SHI- wait what. I slept through most of yesterday so. I thought it was only in Hawaii or somesuch?

    I know. Rita! Why? andand that poor baby. i-it's covered in mummy's blood, for god's sake.


    HOLY SHIT you have single handedly made Psych more awesome than possible and considering that most of my squeeing is of Psych that's a lot. fff how did i miss that i will never know ._. remedying~

    hold everything

    As its his show, House obviously gets treated like the fandom bicycle by fic writers. He's been paired up with everyone, from Wilson, Cuddy, Chase, Foreman and Cameron to Vogler, Tritter and, um, a giant squid. Which clearly hasn't been on the show but still...

    imma take a page from the tenth doctor's book and just

    what? what?! WHAT?!?


    i have to find this D:
    No, but they should i will make them do eet.

    800? dun't get run ovaa~ D: Sorry, Typh doesn't go well with dancing. Mainly because everyone's like 'DANCE LIMPER DANCE' and no just no D:<

    maybe. MAYBE. Sylar's eyebrows are currently persuading me.

    Dexterrr <3 I think I love Deb more than humanely possible because an episode exists with this very line:
    She's like a Gross, English... Titty... Vampire!

    x3 oh and by the by, I must know if this exists: Was there ever an episode with Tim Cury in it? I must know becuase I sometimes visit the Psych Crossover page back at FF.Net for shits, giggles, and to see if anyone's written one with Doctor Who because I wanna do that first damnit >|

    And then I saw soneone wrote one with Rocky Horror. Not there, but somewhere and Lassie ended up being Frank n' Furter.
    You will see eet one day~ Because that was just epic win. aaa tim why so hammy off camera?! also wtf the previews man

    'lassie takes a page from the psych notebook' this blashphemy what is it it's awesome that's what italics italics

    they're molding him into even more of a bamf

    ..i remember that one o: I want a musical episode badly now and that is why. a whole episode of that. i'd watch it.

    oic nao. Southwest? i go, i go~

    also snow dayyy in my pyjamas all bloody daaay!

    and on a final note what is it with the heroes fandom and waffles? o:
    Yes but yesterday's Psych-Out made up for that <3

    Cause Lassie wants you to know that he's too sex-ay for his jacket. And too sex-ay for his gun. xD

    good lord he actually did the catwalk dance and sounded slightly french and and it's like the stripping psych-out all over again except better and I JUST ABOUT DIED MAN. aaaahh this is probably not healthy D: maybe i'm squeeing enough for the both of us? C:

    see now it all started on a calm day. just wanted to ride my bike out to the jersey shore

    but then there were robots and i kicked their ass. this scar proves it, bitches.

    quality story

    yus! that one! Andrew Zimmern's Bizzare Foods, I just remembered. I really like the Travel Channel, but that is fully Anthony Bourdain's fault, him and his snark D:

    arggh i-i can't remember! that guy moves everywhere okay. I will find out one day though. for you. one daaay

    ...*uses my googling powers*

    uhh In Soldotna on the Kenai Peninsula, city of Girdwood, Bethel, annnd Indian Valley Meats or something. where is mercy from? C: oh and also:

    Russian tea made from powdered orange drink, powdered tea mix, powdered lemon mix, sugar and cinnamon. The drink completes Andrew's Alaskan experience.

    ...fuck yes i want this
    ffffuuuu-brb distracting self with touhou soundtrack WAIT THAT'S WORSE sob. Why is every epic song so EarWormy?!

    They were in seperate stalls too~ Probably not back then though; Shawn says "It's just like last time! Except it's impolite to pee C:" so~

    also i don't know why it took me this long to notice, but...apprently, at one point, poor Lassie got groin-attacked by a hose. xD "Gah! Watch it down there, what are we, dating? D:<" Annnd Shawn carries around shampoo somewhere for his hair. of course he does.

    Nah, not really. Teeny gash, didn't mind the bit of blood. Did leave a nice scar though. It looks pretty cool C: And I just noticed a little birthmark on my thumb. Sometimes it's there, and sometimes not.

    I DUNNO. ...lol climax :D Is it like my aunt's Cheese Orgy Pizza-*shot* Lemme see if I remember the rest....uh...I think there was moose nosey. Then again the host is known to seek out weird foods - s'what the show's about.
    ...and now it's playing in my head. arggghhh ;-;

    With shorts underneath. Panty Shot - do not want.

    Yup. It's quite sternum-y. and bushy-*shot* o: I actually broke into a giggling fit as soon as I figured out they were effectively showering outdoors. Oh and apernetly Shawn and Gus used to bathe together when they were three. I a'www'd x3

    not completely sure but i think it went like:

    *swings arm back*

    *nicks knucle on some metal*

    *pulls it back* o hey blood. wait what why no pain?

    OH AND ALSO. i was watching this thing and Alaska has reindeer pizza, and whitefish ice cream. somewhere

    ...I want it <3
    @Mercy: stop being adorible D:

    ...but i wish that I had Jessie's girl! :D C'mon song it with me~

    it's gone wooo. I still have a pheghmy cough but not so bad~
    skirts? who are you and what have you done with mercy *shot* nah it's only typh that hates skirts. they feel weird and panty shot! D: which is why I prefer shorts.

    Lassie!puppy? :D Oh god the ep last weeek~ Hurdy hurr, it was so awesome. And there was a scene that could qualify as a group shower scene (It Makes Sense in Context - it involved a racist virus, which were Gus's words and not mine.) ...I now know what a sternum bush looks like. *sniper'd* It's so fun t'watch with the whole family~
    Since back when I was a massive Criminal Minds fangirl (I still am. Spencer Reid is such a cute little geek sometimes <3) and because of a certian ep, Lassie will forever be known as 'badass sniper with a tattoo."

    ! D: D'awww. If it helps, Typh got new fingery scars


    remind me never to get uber-annoying sniffles again. noise is painful, and by that i mean more painful than usual with...ouch :c

    two things have come from my delirious stupor however, and i'll let you decide whether they are good or bad: really really crazy ideas in the morning (read: before 4 in the afternoon is morning for me hurdy hurr) (for example- plainning to buy a bird which i will then train to steal money from people, probably named chairman of the organization...or ChOTO o: waauugh see what i mean?) and lazing around listening to music a bit more painful cause of oh god noise sensitivity but worth it. Such strenuous living I just don't understand/When in just seven days/oh baby, I can make you a man.

    also how is welding going? did stuff get set on fiyah yet? o:
    Breaking and entering? :'D

    *after everyone walks away* D:< "Well don't worry none of you made the list." pffffttt x3

    First episode of season 4, yes. I read the books more often but. holy shi-Dick Solomon? You're a killer now? (I still remember Third Rock from the sun so.)
    ...how pissed off would Lassie get with us if we did break in?

    Speaking of Lassie ashajs fff the ending minutes to last week's ep was just....CMoF for Lassieface/EVERYONE 8D

    Shawn starts hypothising (after the events of the ep) about how helpless they'd be in a desert, and is all "*serious face* If you died...how much time would you give me before I ate your corpse?" (Alive-style? o:) Gus does not merit this question with an answer, and then they ask Jules. Which goes "Ew! D: (well you would've too x3) Then Lassie shows up. Since I can't remeber exact quote, let's look at TVTropes, shall we?

    Lassie has also made plans for whose organs he would want in case he ever needed a transplant, who he would eat first if he was trapped in an Alive-esque scenario(in order it's Jules, Gus, then Shawn. I have no idea if it's in asending or decending order though.), and who from the department he would procreate with if they were the last two people on Earth. Even Shawn is a little weirded out by this.

    ...stop getting into the same things I dooo D8 nah kidding Dexter is the shit. <3

    Wellll... we get to see Jules's brother. :D Played by John Cena (which considering the fact that Gus ans Shawn are huge wrestling fans...xD) I managed to drive my also-a-wrestling-fan little cousin ballistic in the good way with that passing metion :'D

    Spank machine...? pffffttwahaha. lock picking hmm. Maybe with my kinda brute strengh, and your lockpicking skills, we could make something out of this o: I SAY WE BREAK INTO THE CROWN VIC *riddled with bullet holes*

    Typh drawings <3? lolwat. I took the third option and drew Doctor!Shawn riding on the TARDIS with Master!Lassie chasing after him with his sonic screwdriver. lol i have no good ideas but yeah D:
    snarly snarl snarrrlll D:<

    well typh is immature so yeah. peh, you're prolly all light *picks you up over head* :D?
    yus boxers. gray ones :'D and t-shirt. andand i think lassie wore a trenchcoat near the end.

    i got fangirly. pffftt typh is tunring into mercy so by this logic...Mercy's turning into Typh/! DDD8 RUN AWAY

    i'll draw ye somethiiing~!
    YOU ARE OLD BWAHAHAH er i mean.

    *rubs hands toether* So. What'll it be; Psych related or Doctor Who related? Or...both? >:D (also new episode fffff it was pretty awesome. Did I mention we got to see Shawn in boxers? :D *shot*)
    I know! D': If you didn't wanan go why didn't you just enlarge the contract oror...fffffffffffff....DDDD": It was time though; I bet everyone feels like that over their first Doctor. and Master; John Simm is awesome :D I've started watching Life on Mars.
    Here's my theory on how he ended up in the 1980: He was walking along; y'nkow chilling like a villan and BOMK the Doctor chrashes into him with the TARDIS as a prank. Master goes AW FUCK and proceds to be aweomse in the past.
    I blame dA.

    Bad Ass Mother Fucker amirite?! :D srsly i have seen that everywhere; it's described the Doctor (all of them are bamf damnit), Jack Harness, Lassie (which i find both hirarious and :DDD worthy) and Ianto. Torchwood ftw? o:
    all right good *actually stands up for once8
    *falls over again* shit.

    cause he's the doctorrr. iunfortunately, ten had to regenerate to eleven. saddest. regerneration. ever ; ; "I don't wanna go."

    "We will sing to you, Doctor. the universe will sing you to sleep."

    -sniff- and then 11 shows up and all funny and spazzy and :D i'll like this new Doctor.
    "Legs! I've still got legs. Good. Arms! Hands! Oooh fingers, lots of fingers!...Hair? I'm a GIRL?NO, NO I'm not a girl. *pulls hair down* still not ginger D: "

    Only onecomment. I AM SYLARRRRR yes i watched a little.
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