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  • Mexican-American? D8 nuuu Green Peruvian how many times must I tell you? And I think Mercy is white! If them con-pictures have anything to go by. Blazhy is Asian though, and I'll follow him for now on his ethnicity.

    I just took a two-hour long nap.

    Also yaaay, you has silly hat to thorw in aiiir. And as soon as you come back, I have to show you stuff 8D

    o rly bb? <3 Who you gonna use it on~?

    my three (which consist of a mad sci-engineer oc, a trigger happy cop, and a suit of armor. I think you can guess at least who one is) are surprisingly good and keeping zombies away. Or at least shooting them in the face and running away. Or pimpslapping them (oc has an artificial hand) Or pwning them with alchemy Or-*shot*

    And you'll survive eet again~ It'll be fun to see what you pick~ (well, sides Shawn. And if you're not comfortable playing anything else, that's cool too o: The object of the game is for the lulz, after all.)

    And okay yes I will try to make these vm's shorter from now
    *hugs you back* We're a family of all different ethnicities! Blazhy's Asian, Typh's Mexican-American, I'm Lebanese-American, and from what I've heard, you're African-American. :o
    does alaska have a corner of woe

    cause seriously, i know I fuckedup somewhere.

    no bb no i don't wanna see you cry~ D:

    ...my waifu is a Memetic Sex God. it all makes sense now! Oh and btw here are your furry handcuffs back. *tosses*

    of course they are. He's not that bad, but I exaggerate for the lulz.

    And apperently he is my uncle, so by marriage you are his niece. You're okay with hugs, right?

    On another, RP-related note, did I tell you about the zombie invasion? Because there are zombies. Infected, actually! (how much left 4 dead must i know about without playing it whut)
    That might be worse than the ASK. D8 Although I'm almost completely sure I'm failing that test itself ffff one ticket to the corner of woe please.

    And time went vroom vroom here. It is almost Friday. !

    Mystery cousin? ??? APPEARED (i am so sorry)


    Fight Run

    Negotiate Cry (you are totally a Teddiursa :D)

    Oh that...! See now I was talking to Lil' Dwagie about this ASB battle (Things I Must Get You In # 1: ASB. *shot*) and uhhh just read it? x3 and the subject went from humping to fivesome. Somehow. AndI was all WHAT I HAVE A WIFE, OH WELL SHE CAN JOIN IN.

    ...we are strange and perverted like that. It's a good thing I don't how how IM's work :v

    also oh shit it's green again >:( he's like an annoying little brother compressed into a narwhal loving package GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE GREEN I TOLD YOU TO BACK OFF
    Completely understandible, waifu~ I have exams for this week, so. Exams are a little hard, especially since I really want/need Advanced Proficient. Not really writing by much (although some reading questions make me go lolwut. Gogo process of elimination!) but I dread maths. I'm apparently really good at it - otherwise I guess I wouldn't get all A's again - but shit man I have the memory of...I don't have memory, ran out at line 56-*shot*

    Lucky little-- D: I have school until late June. orz at least I have a field trip of going out to another school and woo bbq? :D

    But then you come home~ And you can watch House and Psych andandand as soon as things cool down for me (conincidentally, when you come home is when exams are alll done <3) we can start the rp, maybe if you want to! :D

    Maybe it's the fact that there will be a zombie invasion and the reactions I got planned for my characters are kinda amusing but yay.

    (and in other news, I may have accidentally gotten us involved in a fivesome. *shot*)
    Yaaaay~ *clings waifu*

    Okay okay. So. I was reading TVTropes and got to Idiot Hair. I (for some strange reason) read the Troper Tales part. And:

    I've been working on a Manga version of NCIS. I give Abby one strand of this, and I give two strands to Tony.

    Cue Typh being all "C: That would work out epic~ I think McNab would have one, if someone was crazy/awesome enough to make a Psy--

    ...I'm giving myself ideas ;-;" And Lassie ended up with Cute Little Fangs, somehow.This perplexes and amuses him. And you really, really don't wanna be dragged around by Manga!Shawn, since it's equal to being dragged around by a rhino on speed. :]

    ...see now this is why I should be an artists/writer. Not because I'm good, but because these ideas never ever leave.

    Wait, is your sis Cheetah? o:
    edit: ...holy shit that house episode 8D It's too amusing to write in here, so i'll save eet for later~ But Taub and Foreman get high. Just... XDD
    I have a strong urge to draw Gumshoe!McNab.

    ...I never told you about my Psych Manga crazyidea, right? Well now you know why I've never drawn that befo-*shot*

    xDDD I kinda figured we couldn't do it that way. Not a problem~ Can we get a teeny redhead? :D
    ...yes, yes I do C: *cuddles*

    I'm buying him the trench coat. He approves greatly of this. x3

    As a side note ffff children. I’m not that keen on babies but toddlers are so damn cute waifu we need to make babies pl0x D:
    ...well shit D: And Typh has like a billion projects due whi am I on here anyhows aaaa

    Yup~ I told McNab about his resemblence to Gumshoe. He be flattered.
    Also hay you know that Twitter thing I was plannin' on making? The one I would use to convince Lassieface to become a Troper (or at leeast check out the site for the lulz)?

    ...This can't be any more obvious, can it?
    Yes, yes I do. He also shoots adorible-beams from his eyes. His Pokémon ability is Cute Charm-*shot*

    Won? DID YOU BEAT UP A MOOSE-*sniped*

    Appperently, according to a documantary for Alaska, you have to be able to do that ~in order to survive~

    ...have you? 8D
    And I'm gonna make you LOSE IT AGAIN

    ...no. I'm not that cruel. Although remember my partner-in-crime? (Yeah, I'll be mentioning him a lot cause we're BeeEffEffs~) He trolled me with more music.

    PartnerInCrime: *at lunch* "...WHEN I WAS-"

    Typh: "Oh, don'tyouevenstart."




    ...yawp x3
    8D Win.

    Ours was us watching Cast Away and when Chuck Noland was all "WILSOOON WILSOON I'M SORRY WILSON" , and in the middle of that?

    Rick. Roll. I was like "DAMNIT D8 *laughs hysterically*" Some people thought it was part of the movie. And then after that was over, I went back to crying for a volleyball ;-;
    Yes it is absolutely adorible and I found it so PM you go. Fandom needa moar fulff. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Probably the latter.

    Because Henry is ~obviously a man~ and stuff. Plus everyone knows the hair on his head went to his back (...and his chest. xD Yeah, I re-watched the Psych Comic-Con video. They send it to the comic-Con guys and it was nothing short of win. From the beginning with one of the writers having to do pushups, cause he's short ("How will this help my height?" Steve Franks: "You are getting healthier." Beforehand they tried switching clothes. Green is slimming. c:) to, when aksed what Psych is about, everyone twisting it around to sound like they're the main character (Even the two Henries! Ahhh the wonders of split sceen. "What happened to my hair? D8" "It ended up on my back...and my chest :v" Also appernetly Lassiter and Jules have ~sexual tension~ *dead*)

    ...I can see it now. Lassie doing the 'skin of a killer' thing and ripping off his shirt and being all "...Spencer! Stop laughing >|" a few seconds later.

    Oh! And Typh is making an Anti-Drug video for community service. As in, Typh is gonna act and the video will be on the school wiki (I didn't even know we had one what the fu-) andand you'll see Typh's nefarous partner in crime (read: rl friend) and Typh herself in in her sex-ay hat. As soon as we make it and all, imma show you eet~
    Yes, yes you do. You know your heart necklace? Get a Pokéwalker neckalce. SOMEHOW.

    I'll firsk Lassiter for his handcuff-*shot* Speaking of frisking, I think that's a Poke-ability. Stanler keep stealing my damn Shell Bell >| So I pwn'd them.

    ...I think I know why I married you <3 I remeber this fic with McNab and his wife playing Scrabble (it was the cutest thing ever and I admit finding McNab himself pretty moe. So girl!McNab would be extremely huggable) and one of the lines was iirc: "Buzz is such a softie (when he is not busy being a cop he is busy being a Disney Princess {long story})....and this reminded me of that, plus the fic was epicute. I'll PM you it once I can find it.

    ...oh maaan~! Lassie can actually be Carlytown now! Although Shawn and Lassie would still be ghey for each other, I think now it'd be Les Yay (remember how I said I'd ship anything that makes sense, and even if it doesn't but it would be really really cute? Yeah. This counts. I wonder what Girl Shawn would be called...Shirley Spencer? *shot*)
    Gus as a Sassy Black Woman! :D I am so terrible aren't I. Male!Jules would be pretty win, and FemLassie and MaleJules partner-banter would be amazing. I'm having a hardtime imagining Henry as a girl, though D:

    And to finish this off, I watched the stripping!Lassie Psych-out (the second one...hurr, I wanted to see an earlier one and the site takes you through em all) and I noticed the whole thing looked kinda sparkly becaus eof the lights. At one point, Lass stands under the lights with his shirt open. Sparkly.

    What I am about to say is either terrible or hilarious but:

    I am Calton Lassiter and this is the skin of a killer. *~sparkle~*

    That's totally what I though :v
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