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  • Oh, it's an alt code. Simply hold the Alt button and tap on 3 or 4 buttons on your number pad. Few more examples:

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    (87b) :P






    *:S :4 Awesome, although the Rattata looks about the same as the original colour set.*

    Huh, what convenient timing. o: Happy happy early birthday to your mom then. ^w^-b
    ...Yes, I left quite a beautiful wall of text, do you not agree? :3

    X3 Not to worry, though, I'll be available as soon as my final exams are over with (which should be around May 18 officially).


    (:7S) :K






    *:S No Prob. Oooh, cannot wait to see them.*
    Nah, that's alright; I got Photoshop CS4, Paint SAI, Paint Shop Pro 8, Flash Pro CS5, Adobe Illustrator... and a whole bunch of other art programs of which I seriously need to either uninstall or sort into a single folder. Why install GIMP when I have all those other painting programs?
    ...I just realized: why do I even have all of them in the first place? The one I use is Photoshop CS4 for most of my works (like that animated avatar you see there now :3) while the other programs simply take up space. O.o;

    Oooh, thank you, Mewty. Unfortunately it is nearing the end of classes for me and presently school is overwhelming me with all these last minute assignments and lectures that I must do and understand before the final exams. >.< With my current stress level, I don't think now is a good time to learn some programming in HTML since I will need to shift my focus onto other subjects such as math and physics. @.@
    Indubitably~ (Man I love saying that word. <3)

    I'm only using it because I heard that some people find it easier to use than Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. So far they are correct.

    GIMP.... Despite it being useful and free, I've always had trouble when running the program itself; it keeps crashing on me. >:


    (87}) :J







    *Damn, I would've like to see that. Ahwell, It's clear you're good at spriting.*
    Oooh, recoloring animated Pokémon sprites! Neato, and also that reminds me: I still have a Quilava/Sandslash animated sprite to complete for a friend of mine. xD;

    Paint SAI is a painting program for Microsoft Windows. :3 I've only started using it and so far it has made my coloring jobs easier than when I would color on Photoshop CS4 (then again, the cat I'm coloring is the second I've worked on using SAI. x3; ).
    Speaking of paint software, what are you using to recolor those B/W sprites?
    Hi hi, Mewty Mewty!! :D :D

    What's up? I'm working on coloring an anthropomorphic cat using Paint SAI. :3
    ... Good point. Well. Umm. I'll practice. I'll probably battle some more before I actually ref a battle. And read through as many as I can find.
    I just worked on it a little. I'm probably going to do more tomorrow and the day after. I gain inspiration slowly. I was mostly trying to fix the typos and make the descriptions more interesting, so there isn't that much more text. But like I said, I should end up working on it more in the next few days.
    I didn't. It helped a lot, actually. Critiques are always good things. Except when they aren't. By the way, have you been experiencing an increase in 500 and 404 errors in the past few weeks?
    Oh. Should I delete it?
    I said flied up?.. You know how sometimes you hear something and you think "Oh my god, I am such an idiot."...
    I like your new avatar, by the way. I was going to mention that a while ago, but I forgot. And thanks for the critique.
    I... can't tell you how much easier that colormap thing would've made my Graphic Design course.
    I double posted? I'll go fix that.
    Yeah. I wasn't really expecting to get in. And I tried to fix the typos. Typo's. How do you spell typo's? Typos? I forgot what else I was going to say. Just a second.

    Back. I'm not a very good writer, all in all. I was just browsing and the mock looked like fun. And than I finished it. So I figured I would post it. Probably wasn't all that good an idea. Hmm.
    And I used the calculator and scale on altered origin. I probably entered something on there wrong. Hmm.
    I need to stop ending my sentences with hmm. Hmm.
    Well, then, how do you quickly edit an animated sprite?

    And sorry if my replies are a little late. I seem to be falling asleep at random times today.
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