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  • Oh, God that was wonderful. Which one are you talking about? He got pushed into his pool a lot of times. My favorite one was when he shouted, "I'm a nice person! I just took a shower! And I was my hair out thoroughly!" and then they pushed him into the pool. Haha, it was cute.

    That was so wonderful ohgod. <3
    I've watched almost every one of them! He's so adorable when he's at home with his family, it's great to see him truly happy. I love that water gun fights he has with Mac and his friends, too.
    So mature in such little time. It's amazing, really.

    Hm... It could've been him, or just someone impersonating him. Y'never know! It'd be great if you actually saw him, and was 100% sure it was him.
    Haha, I'll definitely give it a look!

    Ah, then again Michael never really liked showing his face in public. Did he have any shades on, and maybe a black fedora?

    Haha, trust me, I'm glad!
    I haven't seen some of your older posts yet, but I bet you did mature a lot! It's good to mature; being immature and doing/saying stupid things is horrible. TCoD seems like an ideal place to mature, ahaha. It's a rather serious forum.

    Oh, really? That's great! I barely know any MJ fans, it's really sad. Young MJ fans are even better, in my opinion, since they actually know what good music is. And that's lovely! I know for sure I've never seen him in real life, which sucks.
    Sorry for the late reply; my Language Arts teacher decided that he'd give us a whole large packet to do, which is due tomorrow no less.

    I'd think so. Everyone learns over time, so it's only natural that everyone would have been bad at it at one point or another. However, it especially annoys me since I want to be a prosecutor; a prosecutor must be grammatically correct when working on files, and of course, be extremely logical. So it really gets under my skin knowing that even back then I had horrible grammar and logic. And being immature is just so horrid, it disgusts me knowing I was immature back then.

    Oh? Haha, sorry about that. I have it on Invisible so I can check the forum's post without anyone knowing I'm on and sending PMs and VMs to me. Of course, if I really feel like talking I'll reply.

    And you're very welcome! Of course it's fine to be silly at times, so no worries about that! I've also wanted to ask, are you a fan of MJ? Most people aren't nowadays, so I'm rather curious.
    Hello there, Indigo! My name's Ashton, it's a pleasure to meet you.

    Oh? O-Old threads...? My typing, grammar, and logic wasn't great in the slightest in old threads, ahaha. I'm rather afraid of seeing how horrible and immature I was back then, to be honest. But I'm glad you found me interesting! You're rather interesting yourself, I'd love to know more about you! And may I say that you're extremely mature for being so young? I absolutely love that trait about you!

    Ahaha, indeed I do. He's my idol. :D
    Okay, well, I can't list any situations that happen when I'm in public. There's too much variety xD

    All I really ever do is sing, play my bass, and stay on the computer.
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