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  • I understand how that can be. At the forum I came from, the requests shop there can get pretty hectic at times...
    ...gosh, I don't even know what my friend code is XD

    only went on WiFi once on my Black version, since we only got it recently
    I breed on occasion, mainly for trades on the GTS or for pokemon my sister/my mom don't have (yeah, my mom plays Pokemon, it's quite awesome XD)
    Oh, I understand.

    So you're a spriter eh? I used to dabble with it a bit but I never really understood it.
    Oh, yeah, I suck with EVs and IVs and that kind of stuff too.

    And egg moves, for that matter XD
    I love naming stuff in different languages :D

    And naming a Pokemon the same thing everyone else does is boring; besides, giving it a unique nickname gives it more personality :D
    yeah I kind of gathered as much but I had to point out anyway x3

    I love reading it but I hate it when people talk to me using it 'cause it makes me feel like they couldn't even put in the effort to type properly :( eh.

    fffff I routinely use vocab words in conversation with my friends. We'll be having a very laid-back conversation and then somewhere in it I say superfluous or reprehensible or nuances or ubiquitous and they're like "... what?"
    It's fine. Mentioning it isn't bad...just getting into detail is DX

    ffff now that's dedication.

    seeing as how you wrote "obviouslt" in your first line there. x3

    yeah no I don't do that unless I'm trying to be really dumb.

    ... that is a stupid excuse and generally annoys me. :(

    It means "I was at my friend's New Years Eve party and her parents decided to invite over their neighbor. It was strange and ultimately ended in bad self-esteem on my part and whininess on his."

    and yay!
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