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  • Ah, they're pretty overpriced then. :p
    Well, with Wiis and DSes around, Gamecubes and GBAs are kind of obsolete.
    Basically, you just go to people's threads and give them money and they give you a random Pokémon, and you just try to collect as many as you can. It's not all that fun, honestly. Probably why barely anyone goes there any more.
    The $45 ones are probably mint-condition or something. You can get second-hand ones for less than a pound. :p
    ...do they? A lot of people love retro games.

    I've no idea. I haven't been on the Safari Zone forum in forever.
    Well, I'm not saying don't try them out. They're just much better with nostalgia goggles. :3
    Yeah, I specifically timed my registration to get user id 100. "Number 100" was actually my username at first. I've had various other usernames across the many incarnations of this forum over the last six or seven years, though.
    Haha, I've been playing Pokémon since the start. I guess the old games are good if you grew up with them, but most people who took up Pokémon at gen III or later don't really get into them, I've heard.

    Hold Ctrl and Alt and press E. You can do that with the other vowels, too. áéíóú
    Well, none of the Gym Leaders have said "here is the X badge, now you can use Y outside battle", so.
    I was able to use Strength without a badge I was told needed in White, so yeah, maybe that's one. It does seem like you don't need badges for HMs any more though.
    I can't remember when I got Platinum, but I'm pretty sure I got all of my last four Pokémon games on release day. So its sort of a tradition for me now.
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