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  • I kinda like the graphics. Sure, during battle scenes they're a little weird, but you get used to it.
    It could be because I am procrastinating, uh, writing an essay for school.

    Seriously though, I'm usually not this stuffy.
    The fact that I viewed a video about a random nine-year-old who I am barely acquainted with running around in her house would still mean I am pedophile, even if the stalker value goes down.

    Define "philosopher".
    Playing it now and I'm LOVING ITTT. It's amazing so far, except for Woobat. Possibly the ugliest Pokemon ever.
    If I do see you run around the house like a maniac, that would mean that I am a stalker and/or a pedophile, both of which I am not.

    Italics is usually used for emphasis though, so italicizing something does not imply sarcasm, most of the time. Communication is a delicate art...
    Since text-based conversation lacks tones that, in face-to-face conversation, implies hidden meaning, it's probably a good idea to watch what you type to prevent miscommunication.

    See, that sentence sounds severe, doesn't it? But if I add a smiley face next to it...

    Since text-based conversation lacks tones that, in face-to-face conversation, implies hidden meaning, it's probably a good idea to watch what you type to prevent miscommunication :)

    Then it suddenly becomes much more friendly. (But please please please don't stick smiley faces after every single sentence you write, because that makes reading really horrible and it makes you look like a hyper active kid who has no idea what e is talking about.)

    It's also why we really need a font for sarcasm.
    "Imagine" implies that you don't believe in ghosts, so the irony is lost there. And "sheesh" sounds like you're annoyed at being misunderstood, not, say, being ironic.

    Yeah I read too much into things.
    If that is the reason, are ghost stories a form of escapism?

    (Psst everyone knows that you're nine already. You don't have to point it out every time.)
    Please tell me you don't have the games. If you do, bear with me and don't play them for a day . Stupid Game Stop reserving system.
    Yes, I am working on installing the new system.

    The board will be locked until everything is ready to go live. That will probably be sometime tomorrow.
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