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  • Late message is late.
    Oh look, you got a Warriors avvie. Up til now, I didn't even know you liked Warriors. I got Long Shadows~
    This late message is late.
    I've been to that site a lot, I just didn't remember seeing that avatar. Warrior Cat Pics is one of th most frequently updated Warriors sites that I know of.
    Also...I was wondering, how do you make the 2-D sprites in your shop?

    also Terry wants to work there again [¬_¬], so do I actually, I have examples!
    Hi Mewtwo may I use your sugimori splice of Erindor the espeon? Its for a secret surprise for Erindor...
    That is good. Everyone likes simple signatures but you don't HAVE TO have nothing. Some things that make good simple signatures:
    -A banner[ONE if you could tell, if you have two you like then do random code]
    -A funny quote prehaps
    -Many people seem to have links
    -Sprites can be OK if done right, transparent, neat like Dragonclaw's chaos

    I think that is it. Don't put all of them however just some ideas.
    I WAS going to make you clean your signature but your sig is gone now, REJOICE! :D

    Thank you for making the world of TCOD a better place.
    Oh can you post in the wold war rp nothing really happening since we're waiting for MewxCharmeleonxEevee, but you only posted about once. So yea it'd be nice to see another poster.
    I have Diamond, but I don't have a WiFi number or anything yet. I guess I have a decent team;

    Lv. 70 Female Luxray - Charlotte
    Lv. 50 Female Steelix - Ironsnake
    Lv. 49 Male Kadabra - Kadapsi
    Lv. 46 Male Infernape - Flame
    Lv. 46 Bronzong - Bronzebell
    Lv. 45 Female Abomasnow - Frosttree
    I PMed her to ask. Wait, she hasn't answered... And what about Cirrus? He's vanilla XD
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