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  • My spring break was last week, alas, and I've been actually staying on campus reliably recently. If you can manage male spinda and female cacnea, that'd be ideal. :D

    Oh! I have a not very good shiny drilbur from Icalasari, and a shiny palpitoad from Walker, and my very own shiny tynamo, and I can clone all three as much as I please. Want any of them? :D
    I can trade all of this weekend. Probably not before Friday afternoon, though.

    I'm not picky! \o/ All I really want is to get a spinda and a cacnea at some point in the future, but I think I know someone who can manage that.
    I can understand that.

    Actuaally, I found that it either has to be Quiet or Modest. I should find one pretty quick.
    I didn't know you all that well before you left. So, I'm just popping in to say welcome back. :3
    uh... what?

    I'll look up that nature (I think it's somethin like quirky, I dunno) and then i'll catch one. (Transferring doesn't take that long, it's a lot faster than before. But organizing... good luck with that. At most, I've organized by type.)
    Hmm... go ahead and make it beneficial to Sp. Attack. (I can't remember the natures off of the top of my head). Any specific nature for the Vullaby? Or just want one to breed?
    I know. We've been talking for about a month or two.

    Well, it's base stats are HP 110, Sp. Atk 125, def. 75, sp.def 85, attk 65, and it's speed is the lowest at 30. It's basically a very slow-moving special powerhouse, so whatever nature is beneficial to Sp. Atk, HP, or Sp. Def/Def. (also, because it's so slow, it's really good on a trick room team.)
    Lucky. I can catch you one real quick, if you want. I'm not good with EV training, but I could try and find you one with a particular nature. it'd be around 19. (I have a level 70 one with pokerus.) If you can get a... the little vulture-y one, that would be nice. I don't have one. Or a tirtouga. I chose the flying fossilbird with the horrible ability.

    also did you hear? if not, click and read. :3
    Ah. You saw the Mewtwo and Victini in my sig? That was my old avatar ^^ And when I said ASB, I was asking if that's what you meant by 'competitive battling.'
    I think you spelled it right. and HOW ARE YOU SO LUCKY THAT YOU GOT TO GO TO THAT?! I heard the tour was a lot of fun. I'm a bit sad I didn't get to go. Forgot to ask, do you need any white-exclusive pokemon? I bought white.
    Haha, and it's my birthday too 8D That's nice. ...ASB or someting else? I kind of read old threads and go "I want these people to come back :(" And on my birthday, YOU ARE BACK! And I hope this is the start of some oddwinded chat.
    Well, it's called illusion. Let's saythe first pokemon in my party is Zoroark and the last is an Arceus with a fighting plate. When I send out Zoroark, it will look like I'm sending out Arceus. Also, the fighting type disguise works best because most sensible pokemon will attack a fighting type with a psychic-type move. However, since the zoroark was disguised and is actually dark type, the move doesn't work.
    *gasp* You're back! I haven't ever talked to you, but I read old threads a lot. How are you? (And sorry if you're thinking "WHO THE HECK IS THIS?!")
    hm... would the Ponyta for a golem be fair? (I know you'd want to clone it, and I would if I could, but still.) Garchomp would be good. From a somewhat-competitive standpoint, I would train a fighting type to disguise Zoroark as, maybe a Mienshao or a Lucario. I also would reccomend Chandelure because of it's beastly special attack. (about 200-ish at level 55.)
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