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  • I'm confused now. 0.o
    They don't have pokemon cards in the pokemon world. :3
    Oh, umm, I don't actually have a Jolteon card, check Serebii to figure out all of the decks with Jolteon.
    The top part? I hit 2,000 posts. :D
    I like to mess around with roms sometimes as well. I don't do much on them though. Except on one turned the trainer into a Jolteon. :P
    Join Date: May 11, 2009
    Location: Currently inhabiting Sinnoh
    Age: 16
    Posts: 2,000
    Gender: Male

    That's called laziness in programming. :p
    They are, it's the human's method of keeping track of all of the research they have done for each pokemon. A lot of the pokedex entries in the games are actually from the pokedex entries in the pokemon world.
    Oh, experience it what makes them stronger. There is no level and no limit, so some pokemon can train to the extent they become stronger than even some legendaries.
    New moves can be done at any time though.
    I haven't checked, I've never owned a radiation detection device. :P
    There aren't, there's just time. All 'level-up' moves a pokemon can just be taught or teach itself.
    Same with level up pokemon in a way, it's more they just train hard and after a while they evolve.
    Yes, they are. There are more items as well that are used to obtain the other Eeveelutions.
    There are a total of 18 Eeveelutions including Eevee.
    There is an Eeveelution for each type, and if Satoshi dies, I'm screwed for ever returning. :P
    I have heard of it, however never encountered it. It is like Eevee except it evolves into pokemon of mixed types.

    As for encouraging trading, dunno Satoshi's motives.
    That is a game mechanic. Those pokemon actually evolve after a certain amount of time if they so choose.
    Unown were created from an ancient written language that got infused with power from Mew.

    Try using the clubs forum.
    What information on the pokemon world do you seek? (waaaayyy too cheesy. O.o)
    Now then, since you post stalk me so much, I expect you like to know about the pokemon world? :3
    Basically includes eeveelutions and a berry that has not yet been released to the public. :3
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