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  • Yes, he runs at 19 MPH, and sits in front of a computer without gaining weight. :P
    He showed me to this site actually, and he helped me get a few posts. His posts are the ones that have any human qualities about it. :P
    Well, thing is, here's what happened, more detailed. After evading the press when I arrived. I ducked into an alley. A man who apparently wasn't shocked by me took me into his home for several years. He taught me English when he discovered I could learn it. After a while though he could no longer afford to keep me and that's when he brought me to where I am now. I guess he knew the family and that the kid was a bit crazy about pokemon.
    He indeed does. :3
    I've only been living with him a few months though. I have an inner clock so I was able to figure out that earth years are about the same as years in the Pokemon world, has to do with human life only exists at a certain distance blah blah blah.

    Look what you've done. X3
    {Quote=Skroy Horitz}No, 'cause you're a Jolteon disguised as a talking dog.{/Quote}
    He's a kid, amazingly the same age as me, though I'm older by a month in earth years. :P
    =.=, ok, hold a pencil in your mouth and try to draw.
    I learned human language from context, I did not translate it from pokemon, as well, pokemon has much fewer 'words'.
    I can't sketch, I have paws. I really can't hold a pencil at all. Again, as well, my computer drawing is horrid.
    Learn pokemon language? You're kidding, right? There isn't even a direct translation of any sorts.
    I see, I have never been to that planet obviously. :P
    :P Go ahead.
    Oh, I made a sprite of Mystereon, the rest are too hard to sprite. =.=
    Same language that the other Eevees spoke. :P
    I was one of the smarter ones and was able to learn how to speak like a human. On top of that of course I actually tried.
    I think fast too, but that's besides the point. :P
    I learned other languages by stealing my caretaker's language books. :P
    I'm not a showoff, it still took a while to learn English. My only advantage was that I learned it through context and can think in English.
    I am also clicking back all of the people who clicked on my eggs while posting in forum games. 8D
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