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  • ...wait you still come here why wasn't I informed

    I like being mature. makes me feel better then all those shits running around my school.

    lucky you. :v
    It's kind of boring at first because you feel like a PRETEEN and you want people to think you're mature.

    nah. only if you've got no life and spend every free moment on tcod like me.
    Yeah, 16 over in the UK and then university at 18. I'm somewhat looking forward to it, though.

    Mitadake High and Trowbridge 6th Form Centre. Make of that what you will.
    being twelve isn't bad :3c

    ANYWAYS i randomly click people and clicked kai and saw you were talking to him about not being able to get hotmail...? :|;
    Okay, actually. I'm starting College on Monday and I've been playing a game that Ice introduced me to ages ago.
    Damn American MSN system . . .
    Iunno, if you really need one then fake your age. Nobody will care. Otherwise I suppose it's not too important.
    How come? I look at the MSN sign up page and I see nothing about age verification. Make an MSN email to use as your Messenger ID.
    shotgun app? s'called shotgun free, doip

    brb getting fedora and shooting the fuck out of everything in a tank top [/hick]

    Awww man D: i'd lend you mine but uhhh my music is really weird. some odd combo of the Who, the Beatles, remixes of various pokemon/Touhou things, theme song/soundtracks for shows and... this honestly has no category, but it looks like it's the best acid trip ever ngl. and catchy too!
    durr hurr just got that impression :B

    um, messenger? everything else is default apps (there is a shotgun app in here which looks awesome solely because of how it works (shake and point to pump and shoot oh boy oh boy) but um. shotgun typh really, typh you're such a hick your parents wouldn't let you get it free or not :|)

    But I have 15 songs in here already, which was the point (lol music choices are old and weird)
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