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  • *sigh* Eh.
    Look, I know I'm going to die soon. Nothing can change that.

    But..that doesn't mean I wouldn't miss you guys. No, that's not what it means at all.

    Just...if the time comes, and...I'm still on and...yeah. Please just..don't make too much of a deal from it..o-okay?
    Actually, Skroy's kinda stalkerish, so i don't really talk to him much, and as for Scyther...
    he's mean in quite a few instances. plus both just up and started talking to me. I hate it when people do that. -.-

    I didn't mean now, I mean in a few ywears, when i'm, oh say, 25 or so. There's a massive chance i won't be on tcod for whatever reason and besides, no one would actually remember me, or rather, suspect something wrong no matter what you really say.
    Oh. Thats not a roll of text. Thats a bit from skroys mario fan fic that has huge words in it. Including Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
    exactly. it's my parents that want it, hell, i don't care what happens to me
    for all that matters i cpould die ansd not mind very much. but i'm NOT goin to let my mom kill herself over this. NO, I'M NOT >:(
    mine's a little past just problems. it literally tetters back and forth from being fine to on the brink of failing.
    i really should get the transplant but:
    a)do you know hoow miuch that will cost? i'm working a job, and we still can't afford it
    b)...if my mom gives part of her liver...if something happens....
    no. i won't take the liver then. i don't want her to die of something so trivial like this.
    ...do you have to?

    i'm kinda...scared as it is.
    see, my liver's failed before
    when i was three
    an it's quite faulty
    and prone tio failing at..anytime it seems
    well, i now have a fever that has gone down a little but barely, and it comes back
    and where my liver is?
    it feels like i've been skwered through with a sword
    and someone keeps twisting the damn sword over and over and over
    and it can't...really fail again because then i'd need a liver transplant
    and organs are hard to find, even though mom wants to give me part of hers

    so yeah, do you..have..to?
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