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  • Inorite? :3 Haha, camels.

    T I T
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    Aw, you should just do something fun to it to divert the attention :3
    I know. It's near impossible for me, becuse I'm afraid of... I don't know what, really.

    *hug* my math class is just hard and boring. There are a few of my friends who make jokes, but that's about it. I have an A in every subject except History. There I have a B. I know, isn't it? *hug*

    That's too bad. Maybe they'll be put in a future game? (Yeah, but I'm still obsessed. or just freakishly good at remembering things. </YesAndNo,DependingOnWhatYouUseItFor.>
    Yeah... that one's not going to go away soon. But I still have no idea how to get over this shyness of mine. It's not that I don't want to talk to people, I simply find it hard to do so.

    *hug* no problem. I earier wrote 3/11/1. I know. It's kind of strange. Actually, let me restate: I hate math class. Well, I currrently am no good at history. at all. and I'm kind of eh-ish in Language Arts. Yet I'm a good writer *confusion* *hug*

    I wonder what will happen to all the pokewalkers after black and white come out. (What. It's not that. I also have about 100 other songs by different artists memorized. Maybe I'm obsessed with music in general. </Well,It'sBetterThanBeingObsessedWithSomethingHarmful.Yep.IOnlyCameHereByPureChance,Really>
    I'm just deathly afraid of two things: looking like an idiot and being rejected/excluded. So, it really sucks for me at school. I'm like that too.

    Well, it's up to you.

    *hug* Let me explain. First of all, my birthday is in less than two months, so I'm technically 14. so I dhould be in eighth. As to why I'm in my freshman year of high school, When I changedschools, I went from a gifted school to a public school. When I came here, I skipped 7th grade. I was in eighth last year, and now I'm in high school. I didn't. I wrote 3/1/11. Well, there's a long time for you to improve. and most people get good at it with a little practice. I hate math. I love numbers, but hate math. I'm just good at it.*hug*

    I think it's completely possible to make ash's pikachu in-game. I have too many, too. Most of them from the special pokewalker course. (Maybe, But you never know what could happen in the future. Well, I have the melodies and all of the lyrics memorized to about 65 songs by the same artist. would you call that obsessed?<Maybe.ButIt'sAHealtyObsession.AndIKnowWhoSilverIsBecauseOfTheComputer.AndAllOfMyOtherFriendsOnTCoD.>)
    Yes :3 I think she already got married, I heard they had something with camels.


    I have a picture of myself on facebook, but I inverted the picture x3
    I can imagine. I hope you don't have to go through this anytime again soon.

    I guess, but she says they don't work. Granted, I don't think she even gave them much of a chance, but oh well.
    They have someone trying to rob a magician x3 I do too!

    Trrust. Is. The. Word.

    X3 I don't like taking pictures of myself too. I've never posted a picture of myself before x3
    Have you seen the Katy Perry video "Firework"?

    XD In trust, we trust trust!

    Haha, that reminds me I should post of my my pictures in the self pictures thread, but I can never find one where I look embarassing x3
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