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  • Yes, it's odd sometimes, my spanish teacher is, and we believe the gym teacher is, and the teacher who helps kids learn english.

    The videos are odd, especially the one I had the link of. That one was called 'Superfast Jellyfish' :3

    Does you're head hurt yet? x]

    Sure ^^ First you gotta go into the Role-playing Lounge where all the set-ups are for the various roleplays. Then find a role-play that hasn't started yet (or is still open to new members) and go into the thread. Two that I know of that haven't started yet are:

    Strike of the Dark Legion


    Prehistoric Pokemon

    You just read the first post and see if the story interests you. If it does, you fill out the sign-up form that they have and post it. I only started RP'ing a lil while ago, but I jumped right in and (maybe) got a little carried away, joining about eight RP's xD Luckily I have plenty of time on my hands so it all worked out, but if you're just starting out you probably don't want to join a bajillion, it'll get confusing :3

    I hope I explained that okay :o Any questions?
    *hugs back* I will, we're going to my grandma's (on my mother's side) and she's awesome :D You have a good Thanksgiving too ^^
    Yes, it is mean :( Are teacher staff is odd enough though, *whisper* we have bisexual teachers. :o

    :D Theres a song called 'Feel Good Inc.' and 'Clint Eastwood' that I like. I can't get the link for them now but, you should look those up too! The videos are odd and I think 'Feel Good Inc.' is one of their first videos.

    *headdesk again* Lol

    Gietyfbnhqw. ureghioeb. ORHYD:652_)
    Yes, my teachers believe us to be so immature that they call our grade level 'the worst' since the group last year. :(

    It"s alright if you don't like the music, its the only one I could find on short notice!


    Yurheduijiopqjkz=hgyehx :3
    Well, I wish you the best of luck! we're not very busy at the moment, but either before christmas break or after christmas break, we have Midterm. Mich is a scary time for me. *shudders*

    Good Luck!
    Hello! How have you been faring as far as this month goes? hopefully, you should be getting Thanksgiving Break soon.
    Yes, I know how you feel! I've been super busy this month!

    Yes I know!~ This will lead you to one of their odd, well odder videos!

    I hate when that happens because they make me sound really smart then I'm like, "Did I say that...?" It makes you go headdesk!

    *this is sorta fun!* Doysadjflaoehnv @(*u*)@
    Haha, I couldn't handle that long of a post either! I saw some of them and I thought 'Woah...' :D

    I couldn't really choose one music artist to like, I just don't know. Have you ever heard of the band Gorillaz? My friend and I sing their songs in school all the time! xD

    Haha, sometimes I do that too. I have something I started, then completely forget I came up with it! x)

    Yes, it must be thing thing where someone posts one at the time you go to you're profile and it doesn't register! Blshfdusidfjieuclpqzaop Yes, it is annoying. 'w'
    Ok, hereare my Materials:
    ~Dry Ice(100g, 500g, 1k)
    ~Insaulated Gloves
    ~Bubble Soultion
    ~Metal Wok
    ~Lab Notebook(yeah, thats right. XD)

    1. Put on the protecive gloves.
    2. Place 100g of dry ice in the wok.
    3. Let the dry ice accumalte for 5 minutes.
    4. Blow the bubbles over the dry ice, then start the stopwatch.
    5. Test to see if any of the bubbles froze by breifly touching them.
    6. If one did freeze, stop the stopwatch.
    7. Record how fast the bubble froze.
    8. Repeat with 500g.
    9. Repeat with 1k.
    10. Record all data.

    So yeah. :3 Also, don't try this. I have a WHOLE FRECKIN PAGE on safety procautions. |3
    I can understand if you're late! I've gotten quite a lot of VMs lately too! I can tell you and Arylett talk about a lot of things! Sometimes when I go to you're profile I see, 'LAST TIME ON MOONLETT SISTAS' or something like that! xD You two have long conversations! I do like some of MJ's music too, :D.
    Well, you are very popular, some people can't help it! ^-^ Sometimes I may have two VM's and it will say 1 notification, and I go to my profile and see 2 of them!
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