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  • EMPHASIS is always awesome, ahaha. If you do it when your parents aren't home, you totally must tell me what it does. If I get those games, I'm gonna like scream it all the time.

    Oh, they ADORE it! Math lacks happy and peppy cuteness at all, so when they see it, they fall HEAD OVER HEELS. They'll adore you. But although they like themselves falling asleep, they probably don't like girls falling asleep on them! Lazy girls too, with man eating crazy hair!

    BECAUSE I AM A MAD SCIENTIST! BWUUAUAUAAHARHHAHAAARRR! TAKE THAT! And ahaha, I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics and how it'll work. But you'll probably win SOMETHING! I'm trying to make lots of cool epic categories and such so that maybe everyone can have a chance to win! Since I'm the host though, I won't be entering.

    Your ganstaness is epic on Earth.
    You totally should. You should be all TAKE THAT WHORES and see what it does. Adding obscenities to the end of the phrases and giving them more EMPHASIS. Like OBJECTION BITCH!

    You need not sexyepic outfits! You have the Powers of Happy and Peppy Cuteness, and that will keep them at your door. Me though... I'll need it, ahaha. Since the only power I have is... falling asleep a whole bunch.

    ...OH DEAR LORD WHAT MONSTERS HAVE I CREATED?! Ha ha, I'll get on mine when I finish working on the OS Awards. And awww nar, YOU'RE the one who inspired such epic Gangstaness with your Gangstaerings.

    Oh! I make acceptings most politely of your welcome, miss!
    I think you get to shout that into the microphone too for some games? So I heard... maybe he just doesn't seem like much of a character then if you don't know him?

    Oh yes. And put on our most... girly sexyepic outfits.

    AHAHAHA! I totally will draw it one day, IT WOULD BE GANGSTAEPIC. I can't believe I already cocked up something crazy.

    I is? Ahahaa, and to thou a thanks as well.
    Oooh, then maybe I'll like him... I don't know what that main guy is like, ahaha. Alls I know is that he points a lot and goes OBJECTION in big red letters in a comic bubble.

    I know! They're mostly what... dorky men who girls would never date? Let's totally tease them and be all WE WANT TO DATE YOU WAIT NO YOU'RE TOO MATHY BUH-BYE! It would ruin their lives.

    ...I would love to see you in a pimphat. With a big golden dollar sign necklace around your neck and like fingers full of BLANG BLANG RINGS and a big track suit coat thing that says BLACK COMEDY. And then you're wearing like these happy peppy fluffy pink and white pajama pants with cute adorable polar bear slippers and you're like YO YO I IS FINE CUTE YEAAAH.

    Yourself is epic.
    Aha, I'll see if I can get it for Christmas or something! It'll be fun. Is he really that cool though? Cooler than the main character guy? He's all British and epic from what I've seen thus far.

    Well, they're just... numbergeeks who want to prove they're better than us not-numbers people who have no lives but numbers! Yes... that's it... that's it. They want to ruin the rest of our lives with their numbers.

    So you're an Always Happy Always Perky Gangsta Guuurrl, Dawg? That sounds pretty... just whoa. Rapping about with black comedy too... ahahaha.
    Aah, I might get the first one! But I want to see what happens next in Investigations! It seemed confusingly awesome. And that Edgeworh guy and Gumshoe dude were pretty cool too.

    SO true. The only people who have to learn math are like those people who are gonna grow up to be like computer programmers or some crap like that, the rest of us though? I won't say yes to those cold heartless numbers!

    ...You've out-gangstaed me. I can't even... ;;Applause;; You win. You just... gigglefitting... win.
    Ah, I consulted a walkthrough for that demo. Finished it. XD I'll probably get the full game. Seems interesting even if I'm really dumb at it.

    Awww... well, at least the e-mail stopped him, right? Reminds me of my math class back in the day... it wasn't the teacher who got me, just some kids, really. People are so cruel in math classes. It's all the numbers. They're so heartless and mechanical and 666, yes!

    It was confusingly awesome. Ahaha, I'm not so good with logic or hooking stuff up together, so I really got stuck on one part for AGES.

    My dog is just so lazy and gives up and then she lays down. Lazy old thing. But it IS cute when doggies do that.

    Alien? What a weird name... why did he call you that? And bah! Screw math, it's... it's just a bunch of heartless numbers! What about... love and peace and all that good junk? Isn't that successful for life? Did he stop when he got the e-mail? He's a meanie.

    Ahaha, I think I get what you're saying... mine looks less like a horror movie and more like... some insane abstract painting. 90% of Creations are random doodles that came out of nowhere. But whoa... this is unlike anything I've ever played... I think I'll give it a shot, ahaha, I'm still playing the demo. It seems interesting.

    It's the exact same thing with me! Ahaha. Sometimes mine likes to randomly put her nose under my arm and try to get me to pet her. I just ignore her.

    ...WHAT?! Eww... what sort of mean names did the teacher call you? >: It sounds like my idea of hell. I'll have to keep this website in mind for when I go back to school.

    Ah, I guess it's better to evolve him... LUDICOLO IS A CRAZY DANCING MEXICAN PINEAPPLE! Ah, that thing is nuts and awesome.
    I'm just insanely complicated with my Creations, they seriously make NO sense most of the time. I just sort of haphazardly stick Fakemon that I know don't really fit into Pokemon in there, and they're all happy. Ahaha. Ah, I haven't played that game sadly, so I missed the reference. >:

    Mine lays on my carpet. Just opens the door, comes in, and lays there. And then I have to get up and close it... ahaha.

    You took advanced math last year? Oh boy... I'm sympathetic. How hellish was that?

    Lotad I've never used before... but it does look sort of cute in a weird way.
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